Why do I keep crying?

My Grandma had false teeth from a young age, and as a toddler I once pulled them out when playing - apparently I went into a meltdown!!  

Well done for all of your exercise efforts, nice to know that it's been noted, makes it worthwhile.

Goodnight, off to bed now ? have to be up at 5.45a.m.

Doesn't it feel good when you get positive comments from unexpected people!?

It's almost better than the other half saying something.  For me it was the ambulance crew that takes my husband to his hospital appointments.  They told him that they've seen me become more steady and confident with my walking.  I often walk into the kitchen while he gets into his wheelchair and goes out to the ambulance.  Stops him running over my feet. ??

Keep up the good work! You never know where it might take you. Great British bake off 2020????????


hi, it's probably just automated, some library of assumed bad words, the actual word was just another word for cat!

Just tell your family that it’s a symptom of your stroke and there’s nothing you can do to control it.

I cried every day for a year after leaving hospital embarrassing my wife,my carers and therapists.That’s the way things are.It’s brain damage.

I explained to my kids. They said “That’s all right dad- we looked it up on the internet”


Dear Geoff, 

Thank you! For your kind words.  It's so reassuring to know that you're not the only one and it's normal for stroke survivors.  

Hope you have a good day 

Kind Regards 


I forgot to say that at the end of a year of tears every day it stopped dead but I think you probably picked that up


Hi Geoff, 

That's something to look forward to.  Hooray! 

Thanks! for the update 


I downloaded the Durrells to watch on the tv . I watched about 30 minutes then burst into tears.  It had been on the telly when I had my stroke. It all came back how I was unable to move my right side etc.etc.  I spent the next 30 minutes crying like a mad woman.  All I  could think was it's 9 months since my stroke I keep doing my excercises 3 - 4 times every day and I try and use my weak hand all I can . But I still have to walk with a frame.  If anything needs to be done at home I have to do it.  You get the picture a major feeling sorry for myself session. 

But once out of my system I felt a bit better. Hopefully I'll get a reasonable night sleep and tomorrow will be a new day. 

Oh Kay, sending you virtual hugs. You are always so upbeat and cheerful it’s awful to think of you suffering. Yes, tomorrow is another day. We must all organise to move out to Malta (or a Utopia) to look after each other. ✈️✈️

That would be perfect ??

Virtual hug received too kind! 

I think you can have a feeling sorry for yourself moment once in a while, you know it’s all the result of the stroke and like you said once it’s out of your system you feel a bit better.

I had a session the other day, just felt hopeless but now I feel pretty good. The emotional side of having a stroke is a right pain and someone who hasn’t had a stroke cannot really appreciate how you feel. It takes a long long time to adapt to the effects of a stroke but you know what, we’re going to get there.

Sleep well tomorrow’s a new day and you’ll be so much better.


Thanks for the kind words and understanding.  It is so odd isn't how you can be a rational human being one day and the equivalent of an emotional rollercoaster the next. Let's see what happens tomorrow. 

Hi Kay,

I really get this! Sometimes it is just overwhelming and you have to just go with the flow as they say. I was giving it big licks with the tears last night, I wasn’t even watching anything particularly emotive......I was watching strictly! It just sneaks up on me. Good days and bad. Always carry Kleenex with me just in case. Had a wee bubble in the cafe in Dunelm Mills yesterday. Come to think of it, I was on a bit of a roll all day! 

Anyway, onwards and upwards. Hang in there and be positive and kind to yourself.

? Lornax

Hi Lornax

Thanks for the positive words and kind understanding. I'll my best to do as you suggest.  

Kind Regards 


I avoid feeling sorry for myself. The waves of depression are a bit close and I will not let them in.

Only another SS understands us. Pretty certain about that.

It takes a lot longer to adapt than I ever dreamed it would. Yes indeed, we will get there. And one day we will work out where "there"is for us.

I think we both have the same hymn sheet. It is so comforting to have someone like you posting on the forum. You give me strength.



Dear Kay

This is quite normal for us SS.

Irrational fear of another stroke and emotions shot are very very common. What a pity it is such a pleasing TV program that triggers these two problems. I like the Durrells. My crying has eased a lot, I can now watch sad programs. But attending a funeral has not yet been conquered.

I was thinking this morning. I do a lot of physical activity but no exercising. Perhaps I will work out some exercises to add to my morning routine. It is essentail to keep our weak bits moving. If its your left hand thats weak, do consider your right hand and how much has been put upon it.

You are doing all right Kay. Things will continue to improve if you keep on keeping on.


Hi Colin, 

Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and insight into this strange world. 

I will keep doing my excercises I would love to be able to walk unaided in the future. It's my right hand that's weaker.  Which was my dominant hand.  I've had to learn to use my left hand. 

Hope you can find the time to add an exercise regime into your day. It will have to meet with Sooty's approval.  He wouldn't approve of any reduction in Sooty time.

Kind regards 



Hello Colin, I’m so glad to have found this forum, 

The SF is an ongoing problem for me and I’m always worse in a morning when I wake up, emotionally it still comes on unexpectedly and is a real pain. I’ve noticed that recently ( probably 2-3 weeks) when I’m talking to anyone that I’m sometimes muddling my words which is very frustrating.  I do think I’m a bit better than I was a couple of months back though.

It does take a long time to adapt and I’ve stopped trying to explain to people that the stroke has only effected my memory and emotions ( a lot of people don’t realise a stroke can effect your memory/ emotions they only know about weakness in arms or legs).

However I’m still here and so glad I don’t have too much to worry about apart from the stroke effects. I’m glad you think my posts are helpful, I do try to send a positive message. 

Hope you are well today, I’ll send you a warm blanket anyway. Take good care of yourself.


My left side is the weak side and I am right handed. So my right side compensates for the left. This has a surprisingly large effect. I go to a therapy group and the therapist gets us to feel inside our bodies. This is alarming bevause my right side has taken over from the left. So ankles, feet, wrist and fingers are creating a fuss for me.

Sooty Oscarthemagnificent approves of my exercises, provided that he doesnt have to join in. I have done an hours weeding and he trots down the garden after me, sits nearby then shows me the way back to the conservatory.He does a bit of token hunting and once he caught a meece whilst I was there. He executed the meece in one bite, I would hate to see him play with another animal. His teeth are awesome so the meece was dead in a flash.

I applied his flea/tick/worm stuff today. A much easier to use syringe. Well my left hand didnt quite join in so the old chair in the conservatory got a 90% dose and sooty got 10%. At £9 a treatment I am not pleased. £9 squirted on the old chair. Huh.




Most fellow SS are good in the morning and deteriorate in the afternoons. You have just proved the point that we are all different.

I had angels to help me through the early months. They were contributors to the old forum and they were a year etc ahead of me. Their advice saved my sanity.

One of my angels still writes to me personally and she has pointed out that, if she goes to bed with a given level of SF then she wakes up with that level, Ive tried noting that and its true for me. I can tell sleepy sleep from stroke sleep and good sleepy sleep does not cure stroke fatigue. However, poor sleepy sleep allows SF to take over.

I forget when the stroke got you and if I look it up I loose this post.

SF is the pits and can go on for ages. I had SF, cognitive and physical stuff, but only the SF was severe. My physical recovery was, well, miraculous. Now I can not shake off the SF. Cognitive stuff has recovered OK.

We need to rest endlessly, sleep perfectly, eat sensibly and avoid stressful situations. 

Once the SF gets a grip (for the day) then everything else goes to pot. Speech fails, memory disappears, mobility reduces.

I am impressed that you have already made the decision to not explain your problems to others. I have come to a similar conclusion but it took me many many months to do so. By not explaining, then others have to accept you as you are. Which has to be the way to go.

Lovely that you can say you have improved over the past few months. Recovery is so slow that its hard to see the improvements.

On that score, I have had a poor fortnight and then today , for no apparent reason, the SF was through the roof. I had forgotten just how awful things were when the SF really kicks in (Mostly two years ago) and how much improved they are this year. OK so one terrible day but it did demonstrate that things are so much better.

Imight have to try and rewite this post in English, but in the meantime hope you get the gist.

Time for a cup of tea and a rock cake

Keep on keeping on
