Why do I keep crying?

I'm pleased that Sooty aka O.T.M has found an appropriate role in your household.  Grand overseer of all that he feels is important. 

It's odd doing stuff with the  " wrong " hand isn't. 

Pity about the chair getting a dose of such expensive medication.  I expect Sooty thought it was great. 

Have a good evening 

I know I am not a SS, however, since my husband's stroke I have experienced emotion and anxiety which are completely alien to me, I cannot say I have anything like the levels of sadness and anxiety of a SS, but I've been really shaken by these new events.  I was really fed up this morning when I realised it had hit me again on waking, then I suddenly remembered a technique I had heard about at a meeting (NLP I think).  It's basically breathing - breath in to a count of 9, breath out to a count of 11.  It takes some practice, because you have to really concentrate and develop the skills to control the breathing.  I found it a distraction at the very least, because of the concentration required!  I don't think it's a quick fix, but I'm going to try to use it. I know that most of you have already developed techniques of your own, and your levels of emotion are on a different scale, but it might just be another strategy for the toolbox, keep something in reserve and ring the changes?

Have a good evening - Nic

Hi Colin - you are experiencing the joys of being owned by a cat - lucky you!  Comedian, Eddie Izzard, used to do a long stand-up session about cats - great observational humour, and you would recognise Oscar and his antics in the stories.  Maybe it can be found on youtube?  It's worth a look, and will certainly resonate with anyone who has ever spent time in feline company.  

Purr, purr 

I wish I could tell the difference between stroke sleep and normal sleep but I can’t at the moment. You’re right about SF, I feel it makes my tinnitus much louder as well and once I notice the tinnitus it’s there for the rest of the day - it’s terrible.

I think my stroke was in February 2018 when I woke up confused and alarmed but I had had a high BP (200 systolic) in July 2017 which I think may have been the trigger.

We got a cavalier King Charles spaniel a few months ago and she has been a tonic for both myself and my hubby. We lost our last dog in 2017 and didn’t think we would get another but it’s been one of the best decisions we’ve made. She has fitted in so well and gives us so much joy.

I’m hoping to keep improving although I know I’ll never be a good as I was. This is something I’ve not come to terms with yet.

Hope your SF settles soon.




I’ve used a similar technique when I first had the stroke and I was sooo  emotional and confused. I had some private counselling and she taught me the technique maybe it would be worth trying again. The only difference was that when you took a breath in you had to push your tummy out as well - it was quite hard to do at first, and it sounds quite comical I know, but it did help.

I hope your husband is getting better, I know you were very worried about him. That’s probably why you’re having such a bad time at the moment. We’re all here to support each other.


Hi Kay - it sounds as though you have unintentionally faced a demon ?.  It's very strange how memories are triggered, and suddenly you're back in a situation that changed your life.  You have clearly been really shaken by this and I think anyone would have experienced that same tsunami of emotion, BUT here you are, you have survived.  

Your situation is tricky, you have lots of demands and challenges, and I'm always amazed at your resilience and strength.  If there is any justice in the world, all your efforts will pay off and you will experience the benefits of doing your exercises, and being able to return to work.  I feel so bad that I can't help you, as your words have often helped me and cheered me up.  

I have a little gemstone angel that a lovely friend gave me, I thought it a bit odd at the time, but I have often "talked" to her during the time since my husband's stroke.  I will talk to her this evening, and ask her especially to look out for you, and help you through this time.  

Take care xx

Ah bless you - thanks, this poxy ear infection is just not going away, but he's seen the GP and we have to wait until the antibiotics have finished ? I feel he has enough to put up with and doesn't need this!!

Being a bit cynical, I wonder whether the benefit of the breathing is that it kind of distracts you because you really need to focus, and then you stop noticing the emotions?  If you add in the tummy-push as well, it's another layer of distraction, I'll do that next time!  Quite frankly, anything that enables me to get on is ok by me, I'm not very good at following routines, but breathing has to be done anyway, so might as well put the technique into practice!!  

It's good to feel that you can exercise some control over these feelings, without having to resort to medication, and although I know counselling is helpful, often you're on your own when these emotions take hold, so you have to be able to take a DIY approach.  

Thanks for adding to the technique, it sounds good, Nic

Oh that is so lovely of you Nic. Xxx

You hubby doesn’t have tinnitus does he ?

Thanks. We have all the "Bob the cat" books, and the DVD. Our Sooty is gentle, never scratches nor bites. He is so loveable for us. But truthfully he isnt a pretty cat, he is a bit mangey. But we love him.


Can I be pedantic. You will be different to what you were. Who says you wont be as good ? The new Ann will in some respects, hopefully many, be better than the old Ann.

You really are in the early stages of recovery. A lot can improve in the next 15 months.

Pets can be a boon. If you are like me, I am always in and never go away, so pet will appreciate our presence. And it pleases me that I can look afer my cat. Yoy see, thats one thing that is preferably in the new Colin


Currently he has an ear infection ?.  However, he thinks he may have developed tinitus since his stroke.  I don't think it's too intrusive, so quite low level, but he's aware of 'disturbance', sometimes asking me "Did you hear that?" Hopefully the ear infection won't have any lasting effects, particularly not tinitus, that would be grim.

SSsssssshhh, Colin, you'll hurt his feelings!!

Dear Nic,

Thank you so much for the kind words.  You telling me about the angel your friend the plumber who came to fit a new toilet today gave me a little gold angel. It's the logo for his firm. How odd is that? ?? xx



Kay it's good to cry it releases all your emotions. This from someone who fought not to cry for years till a boss now a good friend broke me down.

i know it's not the same, but take today as a plus not a negative. Dad is currently at his frustration stage after leaving rehab at the weekend.

he isn't impressed with his frames and aids put it that way!! AlthoUgh he likes his stick 

Book me on that plane as running on 10% battery 

I wasn't going to mention it, in case you thought it was a bit 'out there', but now I'm so glad I did.  See, those angels are looking out for you, you'll soon have a whole host!!

Big hugs xx

2 out of 3 ain't bad!!  Hope he makes friends with his stick, you never know when it will come in handy!!  You can poke all those annoying receptionists!!

