
Now you are making me feel like an old fart, something that I can never be.

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Itā€™s like being back at at school, there was always a girl like you. x


Get a room you two!!! I hope Mr Loshy and Mrs Frederickson arent looking over your respective shoulders. Made me laugh in any case, thanks you two liovely people x

3rd week back working for me, now back to needing a sleep in the afternoons.

@mrfrederickson Mark - hope your glucose blood test went wellā€¦
Just to give you a positive view on it ā€¦ 2 years ago i was 47 and very much pre diabetic, im now 38!!!

Diet changed which has been fine to adapt to. Takes time and perseverance and an open minded view on vegetables but its possible young man.

With diet changes, my cholesterol is down to 3.6 so no increase in statins too!!!

My left upper limb is still asleep tooā€¦one fingered typing is a fun new past time, too.

Love to all stroke survivors near and far

Andy x


Git my blood tests results back and scored 44 before it was 48 so moving to a less diabetic diet helped


@mrfrederickson thatā€™s heading in the right direction. Well done xx

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Yes itā€™s taking strong will and small regular exercise

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Yes a better reading but I need it lower, all down to carbs and processed sugar, plus more exercise to burn calories


Itā€™ll come. Youā€™re moving in right direction. Rome wasnā€™t built in a day as they say.

Very true having a reflective day, itā€™s my wedding anniversary and wifeā€™s birthday, so looking back I had at least 3 warnings of what ultimately gave me the severe stroke.
If only Iā€™d have lowered my blood pressure and cholesterol, god I am a victim of my own stupidity.

I hate how I am now this impairment and associated sensory issues mark me feel very sad and weary. Not a good day.feeling very angry with myself and the grief my inaction caused my wife and family.

Happy anniversary. 20th May was obviously a good day as itā€™s my anniversary too :partying_face: it was also my birthday 2 days ago. May is a good month :grin::grin:

Hindsight hey. I think we could all look back and find things we could have changed/done differently but would we have done it & would it have made any difference? Weā€™ll never know.

You shouldnā€™t blame yourself or beat yourself up over what has happened. You didnā€™t ask for it. We canā€™t change what is done but we can influence how we move forward from it. I feel rubbish every day & there are some days it really bothers me but in the main I try not to dwell as it changes nothing & only makes me miserable.

Itā€™s a day for celebrating. Enjoy your anniversary & celebrate your wifeā€™s birthday.

Chin up youā€™re doing great xx

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True Mrs5k, but my sadness is only reaffirmed as it could have been averted, Iā€™ll never be convinced my stroke hasnā€™t caused pain and suffering to my loved oneā€™s, lost our home , my job so much work for my poor wifeā€™s burden, it goes on, self detesting myself is par for the course, may get peaceful when Iā€™m right

Happy birthday and anniversary, must be a good time for this sort of thing.

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Thereā€™s really no use at all in beating yourself up over that one.
Type2 wasnā€™t even common knowledge, let alone a buzz word, before the age of technology, in other words the internet. Thatā€™s when scientific research could correlate quicker and more efficiently around the world and really started to take off. They didnā€™t and still donā€™t know the enough about diabetes, other than how and what foods and drink affect it. Itā€™s also genetic and chances are thatā€™s where came from in you.

And Iā€™m not just talking about lack of knowledge in people in general but also gpā€™s, certainly not as knowledgeable as they are today. And how many or how often would people go to the doctors say back in the 70ā€™s compared to today, let alone have a random or annual blood test and get the results 5 days later telling you youā€™re now type 2 diabetic or have high cholesterol. The fact is there is no blame!
So donā€™t go letting the NHS and government con you into believing these are all your own fault some how. If that were the case then you might as well take the blame for covid too :smirk:

Thanks wish the pain levels would reduce without taking paracetamol regularly.