
There's lots of information online especially YouTube, I honestly think I'll stay sugar free and low carbs for ever. I don't miss the food as much as I love how I'm feeling at the moment.

Be careful with a keto diet, there is a lot of scientific evidence citing the dangers.

I've read huge amounts of evidence and I'm happy that it's safe. All my monthly check ups and blood tests are coming back normal. So far my GP is happy 

I avoid citrus but hadn't heard about spinach. I'll check it out as I eat it often. Thanks for the information 

What a wonderful event, you got your brain function back again. Has the brain fog lifted ?

Would you be willing to tell me what medication you take ? I take Ramipril, Indapamide and clopiwhatsit. Plus an asthma powder, vitamin D and citirizine.

I got bitten December 2015 and still the fog is with me. And fatigue, albeit improving slowly.

I too will be looking at keto diet. Thanks for the info


Happy to hear that, and that your GP is on point. But the keto diet isn't for all, it can be very dangerous for some, and should always be monitored by the medic's.

Boots oh

its been 8 months.

Boots oh

its been 8 months.

It's really hard age of 30

I'm just really tied all time.

never feel fresh even though few hours sleep 


Hi there - not sure when you had your stroke, but you may still be at the early stage, and sleep is so vital, even if you don't feel refreshed at least your brain is resting when you're not making any demands on it!  Sometimes you can't fight the stroke fatigue, you have to give in and rest. Recovery will come eventually and you will gradually find what suits you best in terms of sleep and rest. 

Lots of people on this site know exactly how you're feeling, so don't feel alone, with support you will improve and gradually find the amount of sleep that's best for you.

Take care, stay strong ??

Has it been 8 months since your stroke?


thank you 

yes I had a stroke 29/01/2019 when I was 29 year old.

now I can walk with stick but much better

doctor gave sleeping table.its not warkink 

very hard to sleep 



Hi I had a stroke about a year ago weak right side and difficulty with speech. I also developed type 2 

Diabetes which I now control well with diet. I have suffered with psoriasis for over 40 years.

In an attempt to lower my blood sugar I began drinking Cider vinegar which I diluted 50% with sparkling water. I drank a pint a day for nearly 3 months, it didn't help the blood sugar but for the first time in 40 years, the psoriasis completely disappeared. A fellow sufferer tried the same and it worked for him. Be careful to rinse down with water as the acid can affect your throat and teeth.

I have also found that that Cacao helps a lot with fatigue note Cacao not Cacoa

Just wish I could cure the aches and pains     

Hi, so young to have a stroke ? I know it can happen at any age, but you just don't expect it. However, to be positive, you have youth on your side, your young brain will have a better chance of re-wiring and giving you a good recovery.  Just for now, have plenty of rest, even if you can't sleep, make sure you have time when you're not making demands of your brain - give it time to find new routes around the damage.  You will get there in the end.  If you feel up to it, Google "A letter from your brain" - it's pretty emotional, but tries to give the brain's point of view after suffering a stroke.  

Look after yourself, stay strong ?, let us know how you get on

Just stick with it, you look like a youngster, don't be in a rush, recovery takes its own course, and its own time. If you need a kip, have a kip, no good fighting it. I'd like to say it'll be better in time, and I sincerely hope that you do have a good recovery, but no one can say for sure. I hope you have good people around you. Talking is good. Headway are a brilliant source of support for you and your nearest. Google them, Headway supporting people with brain injury, outline of a head in blue is their emblem.

Let me know how you get on.

Thank you very much 

doing great than before. 
I have my wife with me all the time. She help me out all time.

my physio come 3/4 times a week. Doing great .3month ago 

I was scared to go out.have lots of problem 

top 3 angry/upset/fear 


Syed, you are in the very early stage of your recovery. I am much older than you and my stroke was nearly four years ago. It terrified me and I thought I was dying. When I cam home I thought I would die that night, I was also frightened to go outside. My first trip to a supermarket scared me to death. I was also bitter about the things I couldn't go any longer and the fatigue hit me for six.

Bit by bit, week by week, I fought back. In the beginning a short walk too me about 40 minutes, but I kept working at it. Things are better now but I still have to have a nap for an hour around midday. I am much more my old self, but still limited in what I can do.

I wish you all the best. Things will improve.

It's great you have got your wife Syed, and that the physio is coming in. See if there is anything else that might help. I know it's a question that is often asked, what help do you need, not an easy answer.

Make sure your wife gets a carer's assessment, it should be automatic, but often gets missed.

The emotions you expressed are normal with brain injuries, a neuro-psychologist can be really helpful to help you understand them, and work out how to manage them.

Also, I know I said it before, but Headway can be really helpful, it can give you something to do, gives your wife a break, and they can help both of you with any concerns that come up. Also by engaging with Headway, you'll meet people who are going through what you are, or have been through it. It might sound odd, but it was one place I could forget some of the feelings, because of the peer support, all in the same boat, and you can have a laugh without causing offence or feeling offended.

Also chat with your GP or consultant about getting upset, angry, etc, they won't judge you, and maybe able to ease some of the stress.

Good luck, and as always, let me know how it is going.
