World Turned Upside Down By My Wife's Unexpected Stroke

Dear Graham

this is so hard for you, and of course for Jan.

despite being a right wimp, i didnt get frightened  in hospital. The stroke unit was reassuring and it sounds like  Calderdale are likewise and doing Jan proud.

I did not experience the feeding tube. Yes of course Jan should stay long enough to overcome the need for a tube. 
I was out the hospital in a flash. My guess is that they wanted my bed for someone else. With hindsight it was probably too soon. I was traumatized by getting home and seeing the floor where i fell. I was signed off medically, so i could go to the next stage, being at home, with a wife to be with me and a support team for six weeks.

It must be indeed frustrating for you, not knowing any time scales. And covid19 is a terrible issue for you and Jan and any other recent stroke survivors.

I do have concern for Jans need for a tube.  My guess is that her swallowing is not working  (?). As with all matters stroke related, Jan will not have damaged swallowing muscles, it is "just" the messaging system that is not working. I do hope that this issue will resolve quickly. 

I understand that medics will want every stroke patient carefully monitored for about a month. This one month seems to be a marker when our brain will have settled down.
Our brains are indeed amazing. It will attempt to mend as much of the damaged brain area as it can. And it will search to find alternative routes for the parts it cant mend. I believe the medical term for this is neuroplasticity. 

While every recovery is an individual experience sounds like Jan is progressing nicely. I love the fact she reminded you about the delivery! However, set backs will arise from time to time. I think a term ive heard frequently is that recovery is a rollercoaster. One day the heady hights of progress and possibility, the next (it may seem)back to the start of the journey. Peaks and troughs will even out in time.

I really feel that the community on here are key, to your support and understanding of Jans stroke because they known and empathise more than a non stroke survivor can and thats why ive started joining in recently because after 13yrs in post im missing being around my own stroke community.

If you ever need support or info relevant to your area find out if theres a Stroke Association service local to you. We know names and numbers that will help at all point's of recovery. 

Best wishes to you all,


Oh by the way,  i sometimes signpost people to Jill Bolte Taylors' list of "40 things i needed most" and her TED talk about the stroke she survived. These may be of interest to you... it gives quite an insight and she delivers the info very well..

Hi Everyone

I commented yesterday about no news is good news - well know I have even more bad news to somehow cope with!

The doctor from the hospital just rang me up and informed that in response to Jans shortness of breath, they ran a scan and discovered a large clot on her lungs.

The dilema is they need to give her blood thinners to remove the clot, but the consequences are another bleed on the brain!

The upshot of all this is that unless they treat the clot she will die - but in treating the blood clot she could die from another bleed on the brain.

I just have to wait to see if the treatment has been sucessful!

I feel so utterly helpless and unable to help in any way!

I will stay strong and hope for the very best




Hi Graham, I'm so sorry to hear that there is now another hurdle for you and Jan to overcome, it must be such an awful worrying time for you. Try and stay positive and know that we are all thinking of you both, and sending good wishes.

Take care


So very sorry to hear that news.  An anxious time ahead, just hoping that the amazing NHS doctors will be able to do the very best for Jan.  Keeping you in my thoughts and wishing you the best. 

Take care, Nic

Many thanks Karen

Many thanks Karen

Many thanks for your kind comments Nic






Thanks agian Colin for your comments and insight

As per my latest post Jan now has an added problem a large clot on the lung - the doctors will treat the clot with blood thinners but this leads to the increased risk of another bleed on the brain and all the cosequences!

I am hoping all goes well and no further complications arise - all I can do is wait and hope for the best.

These are worrying times


Best Regards





Thanks Jackie for your comments and advice on siezures 

However as per my latest post - the doctor called me this afternoon to inform me that as a result of Jans extended stay in bed she now has a large clot on the lung.

They have now given her blood thinners to dissolve the clot - but that runs the risk of another bleed!

I can only wait and hop for the best

A very worrying time





Dear Graham

I try to avoid writing anything that should be better written by a qualified Doctor. In the weeks and months after i had a stroke, I was greatly helped by other stroke survivors telling me of their experiences. So I have made hundreds of postings in the hope that I can give a degree of comfort to new SS.

Something has been bugging me about your Jans case, so, whilst it is too hot to sleep, i read what has been written and it hit me.....i hadnt read your first couple of posts. What i have then failed to do is to emphasise that i had the more common clot whereas Jan had the less common bleed. 
In particular, this explains to me why Jan has an ongoing need for a feeding tube. I apologise for my stupid oversight, when i should have read your posts from the beginning.

When I prattled on about how fast the medical recovery can be, it was unknowingly insensitive because bleeds often need a longer initial medical recovery.

The clots do however share a great deal of issues alongside the bleeds . We can learn a lot from each other.

Best wishes





Hi Colin

No apolgies required - I read all the posts from everyone and tend to filter on what seems appropriate for Jans case. I appreciate all the posts made by people who have been in a similar position and understand the way I feel at the moment - and that does provide comfort.

As I have asid several times recently no news is good news and let that continue.Spoke to the hospital this morning, condition stable and I am keeping my fingers crossed on the outcome. 

I look forward to keeping in touch, and hopefully the news will be a bit better in the days ahead


Hi To Everyone

Apologies for my rant yesterday but I was somewhat overcome by emotion's of the moment - it all felt so overwheming!

Jan had the blood thinner yesterday at 5.30pm and I have been in contact with Jan and the hospital several times since - she appears stable and is fighting her way through it.

As I have said before all your kind comments and support is greatly appreciated

Best Regards


Hi Graham, I'm sure the last thing you want to do right now is to keep posting .... but thanks so much for taking the time to give us the updates.  

Hopefully things will continue to move in the right direction ?.  Love to you both, hang in there.   

I have enjoyed corresponding with a good handful of SS who   I particularly gel with. Some are bleeds. We share our progress. Every stroke is different.

We had a lovely refreshing thunder storm this morning. My brown garden might green up a bit. Natural things like rainfall do have a delightful meaning post stroke.

best wishes


No need to apologise.This is a space where you can scream if you need to; and we all need to sometimes.

Many thanks for your kind words Nic



my distraction this morning was washing the cars

best regards



Sending my love and best wishes. Jackie