We change the bed again

Having a stroke is a bit like having to house share with someone you don't like but have to live with. Your housemate is tolerable to a degree but can be very annoying at times. Let me give you my favourite example.

Today we changed the bed. I plan for this but strokey housemate is always a very reluctant participant. For example, I start putting the duvet in its cover but half way through I discover 'strokey' has got the ends mixed up. Once upon a time this made me swear out loud, but now I sit and rest and remind strokey where the top and bottom are. Then, when I flick the mattress over the bed, strokey doesn't make much of an effort. This means several throws before the bed looks half done. Even when it comes to putting the poppers together, I do the coordinating and press the fastenings together, whilst strokey can just about hold the fabric in place.

I would like to evict strokey, but I doubt this will happen. Anyway, strokey is not too bad at cooking and can just about hoover and clean the toilets. PS We made the bed in the end.

“Strokey” can be very proud of what he did then can’t he ? ... I love the humour, dont ever lose that.