Travel Insurance

Hi could anyone recommend a company that will insure you if you have another stroke abroad? It’s been nearly 2 years since my stroke and I’m just thinking that I might be brave enough to go abroad later on in the year perhaps but I would definitely need to know if I had another stroke whilst away, my insurance would cover me! Thanks Debbie

@Debbie_UK I’ve used LV this year but there are other companies I’ve heard people mention eg Staysure. Different Strokes recommend avsite called medical travel compared. Hopefully one of these will insure you OK. hope you’re going somewhere lovely :sun_with_face::sun_with_face::parasol_on_ground::parasol_on_ground:


Thank you that’s really helpful :blush: it’s good to know you felt happy with the their level of cover! Debbie

Thank you for the info!! I feel a bit nervous about thinking of going abroad again but I think after a stroke all the big ‘firsts’ are nerve racking until you’ve done them :blush:

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@Debbie_UK I too was very nervous. I travelled 5 1/2 months post stroke. It all went ok & was very glad I went. It’s natural to be nervous but I’m sure you’ll have a great time. xx

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