Sensation of numbness in feet

I am/was a very  active 77 year old and had a small clot  16 weeks ago.  Having returned home to my normal routine and taking Clopidogrel and Atorvastatin I feel as though my feet are wooden when walking, suffering a lot with fatigue, tearfulness and loss of confidence.  My query is this still the effects of the stroke or statins.  Ellen



Dear Ellen

Your description is very similar to that of many of us. However, sometimes the medication can make things a lot worse. I got a lot of joint pain when I started on statins, so I asked my doctor if I could please stop taking them. My cholestrol wasnt bad and I explained that I would rather have 10 years of better life rather than 15 years in pain. He was happy to take me off all statins. He also offered me the alternative of statins other than atorvastatin. For three years thereafter my cholestrol is perfectly OK.

I think the key is that we need to take the pessure of our GP by telling him what we are happy to risk.

I also read several comments about clopidogrel. So I did a ten week test, wherin I took low dose aspirin then went back to clopidogrel. So I concled clopidgrel didnt have an undesirable side effect for me.

Every one of us is different. Every one of us had a different stroke, no two are the same.

Emotionality is pretty much par for the course. Mine eased over the months. And confidence returned at the same time.

I havent done so well with fatigue. I cant shift it. So I live with it. I find it essential to get a good nights sleep. Then to ease off anything during the day when the fatigue comes down. So the general advice to me was to rest.

I trust that you are keeping well hydrated (I hate this bit) as your brain is still trying to make repairs and needs extra water. The brain doesnt feel pain so it cant ask for water.

On the physical side. Keep everything moving. Dont let the muscles deteriorate.

And of course you must smile a lot.

And be positive (which you certainly sound to be)

You have done well during the past 16 weeks.

best wishes



Thank you Colin so much for your quick reply which I appreciated and found very reassuring.  I shall heed your advice.  I am on 10mgs of Atorvastatin and as you say it is early days so will give it a little longer before I decide whether to stop taking them. I think my GP scared me when she said I stood the risk of another stroke if I stopped the statin.

Best wishes


Dear Ellen

Please note I have no medical qualifications at all, just my experience of a stroke plus lots of comments from other stroke survivors.

However, I was lead to believe that statins were solely to keep cholesterol at a good level. Thus, if my level is OK (I think it is4.0) then I dont want to take statins. In recent times I have heard that GPs were obliged to offer statins and thus they could be in trouble if a patient went ill when statins had not been prescribed. If, however, the patient tells the GP that he doesnt want to take statins then the GP is cleared of responsibility. I only did this with my GPs agreement and as a generalization I always do exactly what my GP recommends.

Thus I think it is key that you know your actual statin levels. If for instance they are 8 then yes you would be more vunerable to another stroke. Likewise if your BP is high then again you are more vulnerable. Its hard for us stroke patients, because we dont really know exactly what is going on inside our blood stream. We are vulnerable to a further stroke in the first month. Once we are past that, as you are (and me!) then we are less likely than other people to have a stroke. We have the medication, better diet and reasonable exercise.

So us less than young people have done rather well to get over a stroke. So I reckon to take advantage of being given a second chance in life and to find whatever I can to be useful. I have done a lot more veg growing in my garden. I also make tea and coffee at several group meetings in my church/village hall and I also do a voluntary admin job that occupoes just 5 hours a month. And I also wait on tables at one fortnightly village event. Best of all a big black cat has adopted me and I look after him as best as I can. He gets spoiled rotten and he certainly treats me as part of his team.

None of this has come easy. I was pretty much totally paralysed at  first. Couldnt even sit myself up let alone walk. But with a bit of effort and a huge dose of patience I am now mobile. And I drive. The cognitive stuff was more difficult, SF has plagued me. But I can live with it. Not the life I had before stroke, but it is a life with some merit.

Other SS coaxed me through the early stages, and still discuss things today. They were/are my angels. So now I want to help others if they want my help. 

Do ask anything. Usually someone on here will have relevant experience.

I am assuming you have read the very good Stroke association leaflets and that you have contact with your local stroke support group(s).

Keep smiling

Be positive

You are not alone


Thank you once again Colin.  I am being quite active and my stroke was a minor one I recognised what was happening early so my treatment was swift.

I shall see my Dr soon, although I can read my tests online I am not sure what the initials for cholesterol are. Guess I must have another look.

Thank you
