I’m 54 and have just had a POCI stroke

Hello, I'm a primary school teacher who collapsed in class last week and taken to hospital. Turns out I'd had a mild POCI stroke.  I have luckily been left with no immediate issues except being physically and mentally absolutely exhausted.  It all seems a little like a weird and frightening dream at the moment.  Just wanted to say hello and to contact others who've experienced what I have.

Welcome. I think most of us on here would say to you 'a stroke is a stroke' and even a mild one can have a psychological and physical impact. Tiredness is certainly one after effect that many of have had and still live with. Any stroke injures the brain and the brain needs time to recover. I would say keep an eye of things, don't overdo it and make sure you thoroughly understand your type of stroke.

It may be that you need to make some lifestyle changes as well as taking medication to prevent a further event. I have certainly changed my diet since my strokes (a big one and, five years on, a mild one). I also go to exercises classes that include some Tai Chi.

This is a great forum, full of people who give sound advice.

Thank you for the reply. It really does help knowing how to contact people who have had experience themselves, Best wishes 

Hello Bucky B,


First the standard disclaimer: every stroke is different because it depends upon where in the brain any injury occurred and how extensive it is.

That said, we do all share the experience of something potentially deadly occurring completely without warning. One minute you're normal, the next you're in hospital 'at a stroke' (hence why it is called Stroke). Feeling bewildered by it is natural, especially fairly soon after the Event.  It's a consequence of the shock and trauma of it combined with any cognitive changes caused by the stroke. Feeling exhausted is a very typical symptom and many if not most people learn and find ways to live with it.  

It's ten years since my stroke - as time goes by, the bewilderment settles down and the fatigue has massively diminished. From the "ground zero" time of the stroke, it is usually onwards and upwards from here as both you and your brain adapt from something that could have killed you and does kill hundreds of thousands every year.

The good news is that your stroke was mild and you are still relatively young. Your first intention may be to immediately return to working or driving. Both are possible but you must now gauge if they are sensible and appropriate in light of how you are feeling. It was five years before I returned to full time working and my driving licence was revoked quite quickly after my hospital discharge.

You've done the right thing in reaching out to others. Do keep us posted and don't be afraid to ask us any questions.

Take care now,



Dear Bucky

sorry to learn that you have had a stroke. And welcome to the forum.

most of us need rest, rest and more rest. So please do take it very easy until the exhaustion has subsided.

I havent come across a mild stroke. The consultant told me that I was rare...because I walked in to his room.

The stroke association booklets are excellent, do read them. 

please let us know how you get on. It would be smashing to have an SS who does recover quickly.




I'm going to give advice which may be atypical, but in no way does it counter other advice here.  I had my Laguna stroke in May and I'm lucky to report largely symptom free and working full time, albeit predominantly at home like most.  What I do notice is bouts of fatigue and my cycling range severely reduced (currently 30 miles). So, what to do?  I've joined a gym and I'm training to improve my cycling range - it has become the my benchmark.  Chose one so that you can test yourself against it, and try to improve.  Only you will know what your new envelope is, but stretching it will give you a focus and motivation.  You were a victim of the event, but only you can decide if you want to continue to let it define you.  Sorry to be a bit cheer-leadery bit being positive will help.  Good luck.

I am scared. Five years not driving?!

Morning I had a poci in April this year I'm 58 and work full time ,it was totally out of the blue I had just finished a shift ....it's been a long struggle with anxiety and fatigue,my confidence ,I couldn't drive until I had the say so after a eye test as the poci gave me double vision I couldn't even sit up in the hospital bed ,but got myself walking before I left the hospital ,everything is different now I'm not the same person I was before the stroke and I know that I tryed explaining to my phycologist yesterday it's like I'm looking in on someone else's life ,but I'm adjusting to the new me ,physically I'm ok mentally I'm more anxious than ever and like I say confidence is not that great ,I feel I got rock bottom of n the begining but am gradually getting myself better ,but it takes time tears and determination ,it's the hardest job I've ever had ,I wish you well ,and there is silver lining just going to take time ...pippy 

Hi Bucky and welcome to this guide.  Another useful website  I would recommend  is Different Strokes.co.uk  a UK stroke  charity providing a unique service for young stroke survivors. 

Regards Sue 

Hello Bucky,

I had a cerebellar stroke September 2020, still on the road to recovery. Welcome to the forums, hopefully you find them a comfort and a good source of support.

Yes it's great site but it's for all agesi have joined a number of weeks ago Andi am almost 62 lol

Hi I had a so called mild stroke 11weeks ago my balance and coordination was effected andmy balance still is. However its the fatguie that get you take your time if you pushtoomuchyou will do more harm then good. I know it's hard becaus I find it hard to take it easy but you have to for the sake of yourself all the best des

Hello Waynefox,

Sorry to not respond sooner.

It is now over 11 years since I last drove (twenty minutes before my Stroke in 2010). I still have one of the three cars I had at the time. I lost a quarter of my visual field and that disqualified me from driving, plus I failed the pathetic excuse for a 'driver assessment' where they drop you into an automatic  car adapted to allow one handed steering and expect your driving to be perfect on your first ever attempt at it. After that they subjected me to multiple visual field tests until I convincingly failed one. Oh, and my reaction times were one hundredth of a second too slow in three out of 18 reaction tests. I'm then not allowed to drive at 45 years old but 90 year olds with Alzheimers can.

I developed epilepsy shortly afterwards which  have further weakened the case for my driving, so I gave up on driving - costing me my job, my business and marriage. We didn't lose the roof over our heads because I had substantial savings.

I have also seen multiple Opthalmologists regarding being assessed for driving or therapy to improve my vision - this was equally fruitless with most discharging me "on the spot" or doing nothing at all because "nothing can be done".

After my epilepsy stabilised (I'm now over eight years since my last seizure), I attempted to reapply for a licence but this was dismissed because I had not submitted evidence of a significant change in my condition (a requirement they hadn't bothered to mention during my application).

Long story cut short: having a Stroke and continuing to drive in the UK puts the odds against you. It has made me bitter: one day any of these well paid bureaucrats and medical 'professionals' may be placed into the same situation I was and may receive a taste of their own lack of humanity.

My last vision test showed I had 93% vision (so much for "nothing could be done", eh, medical experts??)- I may still drive again in the car I still have!

Thanks for taking the time to read this - my recovery from my stroke has been incredible, with multiple half-marathons completed unaided on foot after being in a wheelchair 11 years ago. Driving remains out of reach for me for the time being, thank you, UK.

Take care now,
