
I’ve bee trying for weeks now to come to terms with the depression , I even plucked up the courage to go to the doctors , who got me on yet another list , I no there are millions of people out there and I no there are people a lot worse than me .but that doesn’t stop the fact that I can not sleep at night and the first thing I think of on a morning is I don’t want to wake up I’m now I think at the point we’re I hate life and can’t see any light down the road ,I’m sick of everybody say oh but it takes time and it will get easy , my answer to that is well step into my head then . Sorry for the rant mark 

You have made a big step by going to the docs and admitting how you feel. I find giving myself a challenge helped me to move forward. At first it was just small things like when learning to walk again and getting movement back in my arm. I could not go back to work and do the job I had been doing but I have gone back ok it’s part time but it keeps me focussed. I make sure I  get out of the house into the fresh air it is the best medicine anyone can give you.

Dont let the negative thoughts in your head beat you get some positive ones in there and let them win- remember that you have survived having a stroke you are a warrior x

Thanks for the reply , the problem for me is the emotional part I’ve always been able to keep in control but I’ve received very little help from my hospital and gp watch frustrate me more and you no the way it goes the more you get out of control the more you spiral  down ,every were I’ve turned seems to be the same problem oh we Carnot do anything for you  . I digress sorry again and thanks mark xx

Thanks for the reply , the problem for me is the emotional part I’ve always been able to keep in control but I’ve received very little help from my hospital and gp watch frustrate me more and you no the way it goes the more you get out of control the more you spiral  down ,every were I’ve turned seems to be the same problem oh we Carnot do anything for you  . I digress sorry again and thanks mark xx

Thanks for the reply , the problem for me is the emotional part I’ve always been able to keep in control but I’ve received very little help from my hospital and gp watch frustrate me more and you no the way it goes the more you get out of control the more you spiral  down ,every were I’ve turned seems to be the same problem oh we Carnot do anything for you  . I digress sorry again and thanks mark xx

Thanks for the reply , the problem for me is the emotional part I’ve always been able to keep in control but I’ve received very little help from my hospital and gp watch frustrate me more and you no the way it goes the more you get out of control the more you spiral  down ,every were I’ve turned seems to be the same problem oh we Carnot do anything for you  . I digress sorry again and thanks mark xx

Great reply above and just wanted to relate that I too am on the happy pills(just started so haven’t really noticed any improvement) also I have wonderful support but yes the thoughts of why do I have to go through another day like this is ever present and yes you have to find a reason to get up and go out and live because unfortunately we only get one life and have to make the most of what we have  take solace from the fact that you are not alone or the only person going through this so keep strong and focussed on life and don’t forget it’s your life and you can live it anyway you like