Getting over a stroke

Hi it's my first time posting on this 63yrs lady I had a stroke in November and then had a TIA  last week.Im very depressed and don't like going outdoors,I'm also losing weight as food taste like metal I start eating but don't finish.Im also worried about returning to work all I have is when will you be returning as you look so well,if only they new how I feel inside.Is there anyone that can give me some advise

Hi Dolphin, Welcome to the forum. You have survived your stroke, but are in very early days of recovery. Stroke is a very traumatic event that affects mood as well as body. I think all of us have had that same fear that you are experiencing. At first I was terrified of going outside, but I made myself do it. The first thing I did was just stand outside and then come in again. Then I took a few steps in the garden. Going out of the front door came later. I also found eating not very enjoyable, but that changed over time. I also still get post stroke fatigue, despite being three years into recovery. This requires an hour’s bed rest every day.

I am retired, but others will advise you on your work situation. All I will say is take things step by step and don’t overdo things. Use the forum to ask anything you like and we will do our best to help you. I’m afraid a lot of us get the ‘you look well bit’, probably because people want us to be our old selves, but a bit of that has been taken away from us. We have to learn to be the person that we are now, whilst working to get as much of our old self back as possible. Good luck on your journey!

Dear Dolphin

If you can just ignore the strange tastes then things will gradually right themselves. Food tasted foul to me but on the plus side, I kept an appetite. Before stroke I was a faddy eater and my appetite was bad. So some things work for us !

I have read this forum for a few years. Most that return to work before about 9 months do seem to have issues. I am now 38 months and no way could I return to work. Luckily I dont have to, but instaed I do a tiny voluntary job of about 3 hours a month. And it is slaying me.

Ask to see someone in HR. And ask them to get a stroke specialist adviser on board.

If its only your friends/staff who want to know when you will be back then I would urge you to take the presssure off by indicating a long long timescale. As John rightly says "You look well" is so frequent. One response is to say you cant see inside my head, thats where the damage lies.

What a shame you have fallen to depression. Lots of smiles, relax or meditation classes and ask the GP for help. Counselling and medication. That depression will delay your recovery. You need to get over the depression as soon as possible. What an awful situation. Stroke recovery and depression. I do feel for you.

Welcome aboard our forum. 


Tastes change, and they are liable to return at anytime.

Read the ‘Back to Work’ section, but don’t rush it. Have you opened up a conversation with your manager and the HR people where you work?

The Stroke Association has a couple of informations packs on here about your rights and your employer’s responsibilities and rights. Download them as a first step to going back to work!

Keep us informed, and ask any questions that arise. 
