Exercise Bar

I just wanted to share this with you all, since my husband fixed a railing to my bedroom wall I have come on in leaps and bounds since I have no use of my left side I exercise on it everyday holding on to it with my right hand and arm walking up and down transferring weight onto left leg and lifting legs up and down alternately and I’m delighted to say yesterday I walked 24 steps with my quad stick and my Physio by my side. So this was a huge goal to overcome! Now I have to conquer the step to step up and down, so I hope you will get somebody to put a railing up on an appropriate wall for you God  bless ???love Val♥️



Well done Val. I am a firm believer in exercise and go to three classes a week. I also do daily exercises at home. My fellow exercisers tell me I have come on enormously since I tottered into my first class, but you really do have to keep at it. My walking seems to be improving a bit more lately and my weak arm and hand have more controlled movements. Yes, I would like to spend time doing other things, but exercise, although tedious, is the only way forward.

simple aids like that can be transformative. my issue is similar, left sided weakness. I graduated from quadstick to single point stick, a while ago I am coming up to four years post stroke.  the walking and balance will improve I am not walking nearly anything like normal but I can get about far more than I could.  a new bannister on the right hand side enabled ms to manage the stairs in my house. I am still working on improving walking and believe there is much more I can recover. I do a regular walk of about 400m which is getting easier. in the new year I will extend it to a new target. I try not to give myself a hard time if I don't achieve a self imposed goal. I will take a break and try something else. it all contributes. it was nice to hear your story of progress, thanks for  sharing

best wishes 


Fantastic  vav?

Sorry I ment val ?

Well done you, it's hard work,I know,but we haven't to give up. Every day i go through a regime, leg exercises then hand and then shoulder as i have a frozen shoulder. Good luck 

lol! no probs sweetheart ❤️ you made me smile?

Hi Tony 

My husband had a stroke 13 months ago and is still unable to anything without help. He cannot even get out of bed without help and equipment.  His right side is totally affected, he can feed himself with his left hand but writing is difficult.  He has no balance when standing again using equipment and assistance. He is at home but cannot leave the house, as I am his career i feel we are incarcerated.  Is he likely to improve at all I wonder.

hi there and thank you for responding to my post, I would say that there is every possibility that things will improve for your husband, 13 months is still early days though may not feel like it. it is also worth remembering that every stroke is different, but a common factor is that any recovery takes a lot of time and patience. the control centre in the brain has died, and it is not the original neurons that recover, but new pathways are made which takes time and endless repetition, so whatever your husband can do with his weak side I would encourage him to do more of. if he can stand,even practising that will move things on, if not, any leg movement or strength exercise will help. if you can get some physiotherapy an occupational therapy support that will help, it isn't a magic bullet but will give you things to work with. I will say again that it is frustratingly hard and recovery to pre stroke function is a very long process. I have not achieved that after four years but I have recovered a great deal. the recovery time clock, as I think of it needs re setting frequently. takes longer than you think. I have found it helpful to understand myself as disabled, while not necessarily thinking of it as a permanent condition, I want to leave room for further development. but also I think adapting to the new condition is important many contributors here talk about saying goodbye to the old me and getting to know the new me, there is much to said for this, and it is overall a positive approach.  for me, the new me is disabled in very significant ways and I have found some ways to adapt. in other ways I don't feel different. I haven't suffered too much cognitive damage, but there is some. so I am still me, though a changed me.the impact on carers is profound and I discuss disability issues with my family who look after me. with the right help neither of you should feel incarcerated. everything will be more difficult. but things are not impossible. with all this you are sure to find your husband suffering from the dread fatigue. there is a lot of discussion on the forum about it that you will find helpful. just finally try to stay positive. the positive approach and attitude is a good predictor for recovery. there will be grief and frustration, much has been lost, but science and experience show that recovery can continue for years after the injury, so that is hopeful for all of us. learn what you can about neuroplasticity, that's the ability of the brain to change and adapt to catastrophic damage it will give you a boost. last thought. your husband survived a major health event. life hasn't stopped as a result, but no doubt about it, it has got harder. with your love he will live through it, and there is hope. I hope you both have a wonderful Christmas and can enjoy your favourite things.

wishing you joy for the season and a hopeful New year 


Well done, Val.

If you can put weight onto your left leg, try putting something sturdy on the floor that you can step your left leg onto. It will encourage your weak muscles to work harder and grow stronger. Doing this got me eventually strong enough to walk up and down stairs without aids.