
i struggling to eat big meals, how can i deal with it,weight is going down


Hi @tricia3

It seems to be quite common to lose your appetite, I certainly did and have lost about 20lbs since my stroke in May.

I think little and often is the way to go until our appetites come back, I’m just starting to enjoy my food a bit more in the last couple of weeks but what I feel like eating is still very limited. I’m just going with a little of what I fancy.

I could have easily polished off a couple of @Bobbi’s scones ‘though :wink:


My weight is low, low, low. Almost too low. I had Covid and think I may have aftereffects of long Covid which includes lack of appetite. But along with stroke recovery I have to make a concerted effort to eat. I graze mostly. Apples, trail mixes, soup in a cup, sandwiches. After coming out of hospital, I dropped from nine and half stone to about seven stone. I forced myself to eat cake, chocolate digestives and drink Horlicks every night. Got to get nutrients from somewhere. At the moment, I am forcing food down. I need to get my mind into craving something and then I am more likely to eat it. I keep fruit by the bed. I find it’s a mental struggle to encourage myself to eat but know I have to otherwise my body will deplete all its resources and leave me with a worse problem.


I was overweight before my Stroke so don’t really mind losing a bit of weight (although having a daughter with an eating disorder makes me wary of deliberate weight loss). I am concentrating on eating little and often and making sure that I have my 5 fruit and vegetables a day but it is less pleasant to eat than it once was. I definitely think loss of appetite is a stroke thing


I’ve so glad someone started this thread. I’ve been struggling with my weight for nearly two years now post stroke.

I had problems swallowing food which didn’t help the situation at all. I was also quite light pre stroke (47 kg) and I dropped to 43 kgs. I struggle to look at myself as I look very emaniated and none of my old clothes fit me.

I work out 4 times a week and many survivors assume that I was heavier before and applaud my weight loss.

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I’m also trying to eat more fruit which I had pre stroke and enjoyed them. I will try drinking Horlicks every night too, and I allow myself some dark chocolate every so often.

The problem is that I always had weight issues and before the stroke I was working with a nutritionist to increase the weight. So I have to go back to the plan I was given them.


Good evening @tricia3. I too have this problem. I was a healthy weight before my stroke/accident, lost 2 stone in the 7 weeks I remained in hospital, regained 10 lbs in 4 months and since then have had it refuse to go back on and lose the odd lb now and again a year on. I eat lots of stuff I didn’t allow myself pre accident and at times actively force myself to eat snacks and extras. Lack of calories is not the issue. I love food and at least that has returned as initially appetite was a problem. I’ve resigned myself to being skinny but hope over time if I can reduce my anxiety it will hopefully improve. Stick to small and often grazing for now if full meals are overwhelming. Wishing you all the best, Julia


@tricia3 i too lost my appetite after my stroke and 8 months on it hasn’t returned. I’ve forgotten what it’s like to feel hungry. I have lost 2 1/2 stone in weight now and recently spoke to my GP about it as I’m starting to worry that it is still coming off. I make sure I eat 3 meals a day (although they are smaller portions than I used to eat but then I am nowhere near as active as I used to be). My GP has run some tests to rule other causes out but I suspect it is my stroke. As others have said try and eat a little and often, don’t worry too much about what you eat at this stage as long as you’re not eating all junk until your appetite returns it’s a little less important. Fingers crossed as you improve your eating will improve too xx

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Just writing to say I agree with others here.
I’m 6 months after stroke, initially my sense of taste was disrupted and I had difficulty finding appetising food.
That faded and my enjoyment of food improved bit by bit, though I only wanted small portions.
The last couple of days has seen a change. I have just begun to experience hunger again, yesterday morning and this morning I was very ready for my breakfast, coffee and a bowl of cereal. The same went for my evening meal and I was beginning to feel I could manage a bigger portion. In addition during the evening I had a snack of cheese and biscuits. I don’t know if things have changed or whether this is just a blip. Time will tell I suppose.
Certainly my experience of stroke has been one of change, usually unexpected, generally in a progressive manner. I don’t in any way feel I know what comes next. All I can say is that, as best I can I will keep on keepin’ on.


thanks for all replies

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my taste ok but apetite isnt,had breakfast, had a bad day bp gone up again, going to doc today

thanks, feel a bit better had fruit and custard

hi all
I am the opposite. lost weight whilst in hospital put it back on again on release. have found that whilst eating I get the sensation that I am full up. so stop, half an hour later hungry again. I have also gained a sweet tooth since my stroke. so crave chocolate. don’t buy it just encase it’s gone in a day

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Hope you’re feeling a bit better & GP was able to help & reassure you x

I don’t eat a lot of chocolate but do eat wine gums. Asked hubby to stop buying them otherwise I’ll end up diabetic too :joy: have to have a treat sometimes though. This low cholesterol diet isn’t very exciting :grin:

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Hi. My weight has gone down since my stroke but I was over weight before. I put the weight loss down to the fact that I now am unable to drink wine which I used to love! I now can’t stand the taste or smell of it… . Lilian

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Hi Tricia I lost my appetite about 3 weeks before coming home from rehab I initially put it down to being fed up with hospital food the same menu being repeated over and over again . I’ve been at home 8 months now and have lost 2 stone … needed to lose a bit . I used to love food haha but now I eat because I know I have to little and often seems to slowly be working for me . A huge plate of food puts me off straight away. My taste buds are shot since my stroke nothing tastes like I expect or remember .I used to love a roast dinner but not now I’m eating pasta mainly and just hoping that it improves eventually . Everything takes time when recovering :pensive:best wishes

she took bp weight,and to contue with lost artin,wants to see me in to weeks, she had never g=heard of lost apetite with stroke

Good that she is going to check you again.
I’m not surprised she’d never heard of loss of appetite post stroke. I expect most people don’t mention it. Looking at all the comments on this thread it seems quite common. Maybe it’s a dide effect of meds rather than directly a result of stroke.

bp is quite high as son is coming down, i feel i need to get house clean