Some of my persisting hobbies post stroke

Shwmae @Loshy and @Mrs5K, I found it here … I didn’t realise they were going to put it up on the My Stroke Guide page. Thought it was through Facebook. The photo reveals my ridiculous Macintosh collection, I have eight Macs, the oldest is a Performa 475. I’m sure everyone needs to know that :sweat_smile:


Morning @Rups. Thank you for the video :pray::pray::pray:. More power to our elbows in not being invisible :+1:. Julia x


@Rups what a great video. Thank you for what you said about everyone on the forum. I echo that too. Its a great, caring community of people.

Loved your pig too :grin::grin:

Thank you x

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Sorry to hear you are not well Anne.

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@ZX1 sorry to hear you’re not feeling too good. Hope you improve soon.

The link has been located & also supplied by Rups so please don’t worry. Just concentrate on getting better.

Take care.

Ann xx

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Rose hip and lavender perfume.


Looks beautiful I can almost smell it from here. The bottle is so elegant :pray:


Gorse flower perfume. Tricky prickles when picking but worth it for the subtle, sweet scent.


Mmmm i can almost smell the scent from here. I bet the heat from the oven enhances the fragrance.

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It might explode @Mrs5K, it’s almost pure alcohol! Many people ignore the humble gorse flower, but I think it has a wonderful, subtle fragrance.


aromatherapy helps many people with stress and anxiety, keep up the good work your doing great. xx


Morning @Rups. I love gorse- in the Spring the smell when you are walking past it can be arresting, and all from a wild shrub❤️ Julia x

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The ongoing cycle of scent in my house. Remember those rose hips I used for perfume? After I reached the desired concentration of fragrance, I removed the rose hips, and dried them. Then added them to one of my hanging potpourri baskets. This basket is a mixture of wormwood, lavender, lemon balm and mugwort. When Winter is over, I empty my potpourri containers, and ready them for new bouquets collected over Spring and Summer. The discarded potpourri goes into my kindling bucket, and when Winter arrives again, it makes a sweet smelling kindling for lighting fire. The ash is then put on parts of the garden. Full circle.


Diolch yn fawr Loraine, my incessant need to potter :grinning:


@Rups that sounds fabulous & a great way of getting full use out of everything.