Post stroke spasticity resolved

Now you folks in the UK know that colour is really spelled Colorā€¦No? :rofl:

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It hasnā€™t been spelt c o l o r here since the 16th century.

You guys might catch up eventuallyā€¦

And yes those colour and books and pencils are common here and Iā€™ve got an big collection of graphic art material.

Iā€™m starting with the app because I have got the capability to grasp the pencil yet



You can do it my friendā€¦keep at it. repetition is key.


Tee heeā€¦how did we forget :rofl::rofl:

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Derek @Outlander
Just checking that you are resisting the toys and giving us the chance to confirm/ deny the causal link to your spasticity



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I think it will take a week to see results, so my family doctor says (saw him on Thursday). He is in agreement about no weights. Try to stand as much as possible, use the recumbent bike, and treadmill ( I hate the boring treadmill). Some kind of Tai Chi: and I like to invent my own moves to music.
I can use very easy resistance bands light and many slow reps.
Soā€¦I will report back.
Amazon is delivering a nice Chromebook this week and Iā€™ll try to set it up for Zoom.
All the best; Derek in New Jersey.

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I am 11 months post. My left side affected. I have improved but still have spasticity in my left leg and wear a brace. Left hand still really stiff. I exercise every single day with a tension band. I have real bad pain in my shoulder. I was a weight lifter and had a sore shoulder before my stroke. Obviously the stroke has exacerbated the pain. Every day is a struggle to fight fit. Hopefully it will improve. Speaking ro people and in company mentally exhausting also. New year, new target.


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@Joejoe37 I think we have a lot in common. Spasticiy is an evil entity and it it werenā€™t for this damned thing, I would be so much better. Iā€™m just starting to get the pains Joeā€¦across the back.
Prayers and good vibes to you.


Hi @Joejoe37 & @Outlander
Well if outlanders new Chromebook arrives with a fair wind you can share on the Thursday :slight_smile:

Derek the idea of more than a week for your spasticity to exercise link to be proved sounds good to me. I hope that you are gentle with the exercise bands and that you donā€™t just replace weights as a trigger with rubber :frowning:

The Tai chi sounds gentler, but even there I know from the exercise I do - which arenā€™t Tai chi but lifting and rotating my piece of broomstick I get spasticity in my shoulder neck and jaw as a result because I canā€™t turn off muscles I donā€™t want to be using. Perhaps be cautious of spoiling the ā€œship for haā€™pth of tarā€?

At a guess there are several factors combining to make your spasticity as bad as it is and the exercise may only be one of them.

For the specificity in the back muscles have you tried putting a hard ball in the end of a long sock and then using a wall and the sock over your shoulder? This is not only an opportunity to stand with support and then the ball rolled between the wall and your back muscles is a form of self massage - one that always hits the right spot :slight_smile:

Looking forward to seeing you some Thursday

If you (and anyone or everyone else) want it to join the mailing list for email reminders mail doesnā€™t matter what message or subject and then reply to the confirmation email



@SimonInEdinburgh Yes Simon, I have to be careful not to be Arnold Schwarzenneger with the bands. :grin: As far as my back, my dear wife gives a nice massage with just enough pressure. I have tried the ā€œback against the wall thing and with a foam rollerā€. The massage seems better.
As you know, there are many triggers for spasticity. Even being idle for too long can bring an attack.
Thanks for your concern. Iā€™m looking out my window at 8 inches of snow. I hope the Amazon man can bring my Chromebook which is due today.
Cheers, Derek


Oh gosh 8 in of snow is wonderful between 10:00 p.m. on the 24th of December and 8:00 a.m. on the 27th - for the rest of the year itā€™s just a pain-in-the-arse

Which Chromebook model did you buy?

And yes causes of spasticity are potentially many so when in combination resolution of a strategy to manage is a complex - emergent - challenge.

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Listen, can I blame you lot for the spasticity in 2 of my fingersā€¦maybe Iā€™m trying to come out in sympathy, subconsciously testing to see what itā€™s like :roll_eyes: :wink:
Although I should be grateful itā€™s only in 2 fingers :pray:

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Too much typing perhaps?

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YESā€¦so I can blame you lot :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Stop typing and start zooming then :slight_smile:

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So a week later ā€¦ How has the spacticity been?

What has been the exercise regime and the challenges?


Will know by this Saturday. Bad day today: pain and stiffness whole right side. Iā€™ll fill you in then.


Fairy Snuff :slight_smile:

I expect youā€™re asleep at the moment but are you going to join us today? Weā€™re normally on zoom for more than an hour from 1:00 p.m. GMT which if you are EST will be 8:00 a.m.

In fact in dynamic display that corrects for time zone it should be Thursday, January 11, 2024 1:00 AM
Anybody else who wants to join? The link is


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Simon: had to send the Lenovo chromebook back (defective). So, more shopping to do. It seems a zoom camera and a mic would be a better bet and use it on my desktop. Also much cheaper. Adios Muchacho.

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Logitech c270 (cheap) or c920 (versatile)

Job done