Please help

Thank you so much for your response.

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Please don’t give up or worry too much about it. I know, dumb thing to say. I just found out some of the types of strokes I had are also suseptible to low blood pressure. I also just found out yesterday, I have two new aneurysms…one in carotoid and one in right opthalmic. In my case they are just going to keep watch as they think the chances of hemorraghing are more probable than with leaving them alone at this point. I was more than a bit upset to come this far in recovery to find out this new info. Feeling sorry for myself somewhat, between bouts of sleeping off the anesthesia. My grandson asked me how things went. I could hear the fear in his voice and see it in his eyes until I told him I am fine and they are watching and taking care of me well to make sure I stay that way. And now, I will do whatever it takes not to be lying to him. I know there is someone who wants and needs you to be okay. Worrying about it won’t change it, but will stress you. It is very hard to pretend you don’t know, but if that is what you must do, find a way. Sending love and prayers your way.


@DeAnn sorry to hear you’ve got the aneurysms. It’s good that they are going to monitor them. It’s a lot to take in though and putting on a brave face for those around you isn’t easy but necessary sometimes. Sending my best wishes.

Ann x


Hey now that’s not the news I wanted to hear, I hope and pray you stay well, stay strong and that your aneurysms stay silent and undisruptive of your health and happiness :hugs:

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@Mrs5K and @EmeraldEyes , Thank you for your kind thoughts. I do intend to ignore these nasty brats to the extent that I am able. Let the doctors watch them. I have a meeting with neurologist soon, and I will ask his opinion of what both the Neurosurgeon and the Cardiovascular surgeon have said. I suspect he will agree, but I also suspect he will follow up as well. He knows me more personally and has been aggressive in getting the tests and treatments I need so far. I think I would rather not have known, but perhaps the Neurologist will give me further information about keeping them from growing as long as possible. I did read the opthalmic anuerysms are slow growers and often dissapate on their own. I have been so much stronger emotionally since being here with you all. I feel like I am living again with some fun, not just work to get healthy. Nice to have both!


Praying for everything to be ok with you too.

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We both will get through this. I feel it. I am wondering if your stroke was vertebrobasilar thalamic? Please only answer if you feel like sharing. I have had many embolic strokes all at once, but now five aneurysms, one burst, 2 repaired and the two new ones. My blood pressure has been well maintained with medications, however, like you, some of those are better with a bit higher blood pressure, so I read. that was why I asked about the vertebrobasilar. Normally no one worries about low bp except if you are fainting. At least that is what I have been told. I would think they would know this issue, but it doesn’t seem to be well known.

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Hello, I don’t know about the exact location except to say that it says thalmus and basal ganglia (?) I am being scheduled for an all day under anesthesia MRI so they can see exactly what tracts? might be affected because I am exploring deep brain stimulation. Thank you so much for sharing and also for your sentiment about getting through this. :crossed_fingers: :pray:.


Haven’t heard back. How are you fairing? I hope you found answers and have a plan, and of course, are beginning to feel better.

I hope you are doing well. I have not found any answers. I have to make sure I exercized to stop the stiffness and pain from progressing, but nothing takes it away


I’m sorry to hear that as I know how hard it is to keep going with the pain. For me, it hurts almost as bad when I am resting and often keeps me from sleeping. I think I notice most when it is quiet, then secondly during or after exercise. When I can keep my mind busy is when I notice it least, although it is always there.

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It is definitely hard to keep going through the pain. My affected arm actually turns almost purple when it is hurting the most. I hope you are doing well. I went back to again read your words of encouragement for how to manage the worrying. This support site helps me so much.


This group has been a true godsend for me. I hope you will be able to find the right help and get some relief. And when you do, you will let us know.

I also hope you will stick around and I see you pop up even more often.