One of those days

Aw, just picture this: A bright sunny day and a little white ball of fluff running down along the beach…only to disappear down into a hole someone had dug deep enough you couldn’t see him.
He hops back out all embarrassed, looks around to check that nobody had just seen him do that and races off into the far blue yonder.
We kept the hair around his eyes short after that because he wasn’t seeing where he was going or which direction we were heading. That little white ball of fluff was a year old Maltese dog named Giblet, a boundless little ball of energy.
Actually, I tell a lie, we didn’t cut his hair 'til he ran into the garden wall and was seeing stars. :face_with_spiral_eyes:
There, now don’t you don’t you feel just little bit better after that :wink: :smile:

We all have our good days and bad days…and our deep hole days, and tomorrow is another day. Put this one to bed and start a new day in the morning, hopefully without any aches or pains from your fall. :people_hugging:


Hi Veggiepatch-- post-stroke brains are weird. I can have a day where I feel pretty good, do my daily walk, go places, feel alert. Then the next day I can feel like I’m all awkward, tired and weave when I walk, in a daze and just want to rest. I guess my brain is extra tired that day. (Probably from working so hard the previous days) They say that during stroke recovery, there are plateaus, times when little progress happens. I think that’s when the brain rests, and we stumble and drop things. I bet you’ve got some really good days coming up. :heart:Jeanne


Thanks guys lets see what today brings


It might make you feel a little better if I tell you what managed to do today.
Whilst preparing to start dinner this evening, I some managed to know a tub of garlic granules off the top shelf. The somehow managed to pop open and rain garlic granules down on me. The were everywhere, all over the worktop, inside the toaster, all over the floor, in my hair and down my cleavage :confounded: :crazy_face: And of course I had to walk through it to get the floor brush, and it was treacherous to walk on, like walking on a sea of tiny beads :grimacing:

Took me half an hour to get it all cleaned up and get the dinner started :weary:


AWWE! I am so sorry that happened to you. I hope soon it will be a funnier story to tell. I want to know how you deal with those aggravations. I mostly talk bad to myself, then laugh, because it reminds me not to talk bad to myself. I also want to know how you all are getting so much done…housekeeping, gardening, cooking… I know I spend more time here than maybe I should, but I have sorted laundry, washed and dried one load, folded another, fed the pets once, still have clean dishes to put away and another load to do. I am worn out just from the small bit of laundry. Still trying to figure out a workable schedule to get things done. Fortunately have only had one appointment this week, and school started yesterday, so reprieve for me, but I hoped to accomplish more while everyone was away at school and work.

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Wow, what’s a combination of events!
@EmeraldEyes I bet you smell fragrant after that :slight_smile: anti-vampire :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
@Ismeval My wife has pears of coffee cups one for her one for me that if we break one means the whole pair needs to be replaced. Since we’ve got several favourites the removal of a favourite gives a space in the cupboard for the acquisition of a new pair! Every silver lining has a cloud or something
@Veggiepatch at least it didn’t have milk in it did it have sugar? Did it go on anything electrical?

Slightly more seriously a few thoughts if you look at events on a day-to-day basis you really don’t get a proper view of the trend that has to be at the weeks and months level and for some folk requires making notes .

Also there’s an excellent video on false prevention on


On days like this i end up being relly cross with myself. I know how lucky i am but cant seem to remember when i start dropping things and falling… today i am going to my allotments hopefully it will ge uneventful. I am so grateful for this forum. You just get it thankyou

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Oooohhhh, an allotment: I’m jealous of that :slight_smile:

Have a wonderful time amongst the spuds and the broad beans, maybe you’ve got a few sweet peas or tacos amongst the carrots?

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Yes that was very fortuitous of me to spill all that garlic, we didn’t have some much as one vampire come sniffing at our door, let alone take a nibble on my neck :laughing: And I needed a shower anyway after being at the gym.:face_with_spiral_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Well just picture me trying to get across a tiled kitchen floor covered in tiny garlic granules, I was having to hold on to the counter top because my feet kept going out from under me…I must have looked like something out of a cartoon. And my hubby came in and started laughing, so I start laughing and that certainly didn’t help my predicament :laughing:


Yes! You got past the aggravation and frustration fast, and on to the funnier part. I will bet your husband hesitated a second or two before laughing. One never knows if the laugh will hurt…but sometimes it is impossible to hold it in, and in your case, it probably eased the situation. It would in mine as well. Another reason I know you are a wonderful person. Others might have hit the husband overhead with a cast iron skillet!


I didnt sow any carrots. I had my stroke in january and it meant i was out of action for 3-4 months. I have got potatoes beetroot raspberries blackberries runner and french beans are coming cauliflowers cabbage brocolli leeks and sprouts too. I have 3 full sized plots. Next year will be better


ABSOLUTELY!!!Frustrating and depressing I think. Hang in there and the wheel will turn


I too would like to add my welcome to you. You’ll find the crowd here very empathetic supportive knowledgeable easy going

Ciao Simon


@Freeman76 i too am adding my welcome & hope you find this forum as helpful & supportive as I have.


Welcome to the forum. I hope you will find it as helpful as I do. I am so sorry any of us needed to be here but so happy to have so many kind and understanding people to interact with. Best wishes. Hope to ‘see’ you around and get to know you.


You sound just like me,i have seen more of hospital since my stroke than i did recovering…i’m having 3 different lots of physio for accident injuries, my torn ankle ligaments,my smashed knees,and now my right hand along with numerous cuts,bruises,bumps and balance isn’t great but i won’t stop trying to do things and i still haven’t learnt to slow down even 3years after my stroke i think i’m still able to go the same speed…obviously not haha.some days are better than others but occasionally I think why!!!it seems that the whole day is pants but the next day is a better one…you have to learn to roll with it literally in my case and try to keep smiling…my friends now take bets to see which part of me is going to break next and how many bruises i’l have that week(great friends eh?)i wish you well and if your worried get gp to check you out for eyesight/balance issues xxx


@BernadetteC I sent too much love overnight so the system won’t allow me to love anymore comments until late tonight. I love your commentary! And your friends! If they can laugh at you, I know they are wonderful friends and says a lot about you that you allow it…only good things, though. All in fun…I say laugh off the pitfalls as much as possible and have a cathartic cry, or a vicious rant every once in awhile just for good measure. So nice to ‘know’ you. One of the good things I have found since strokes are the people here.


Absolutely i agree,so many of us lovely survivors on here,its lovely to meet you and i hope you keep on getting stronger and stronger, :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Mine would have shouted at me for making a mess again !@

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