Nintendo Wii - useful addition to exercise?

Has anyone tried using a Wii as an addition to their exercises for balance or upper limb rehab?

Spotted this suggetion in a certain book by Dr Tom and looking at various on line articles there are supporting conclusions such as " Conclusion: Virtual reality exercises with the Nintendo Wii system could represent a useful adjunctive therapy to traditional treatment to improve static and dynamic balance in stroke patients." and a quick hunt on a popular auctions site shows that you can pick up a complete Wii fit plus bundle for a fairly resonable price.


My physio suggested this last week but I haven’t got round to trying it yet. I think it would be useful. She suggested I also play the games like tennis and bowling with my left hand which would have been bad pre stroke!!!


I’ve heard people talk about using the Wii fit programs and the skiing and various sporty ones also the hand to eye coordination is supposed to be helped so yeah I’ve not tried it but I have heard fair amount about it being a positive influence


Well that was enough endorsement for me :grinning: so one snapped up off the bay that was bundled with Wii fit and Wii fit plus games along with the balance board. Also ordered a snowboarding game (for balance shifting) and table tennis that I’ll try using my affected (pre-stroke non-dominant) arm with.

If nothing else then at least I’ll be able to measure how far off my balance is and use it as a gauge to see if I’m improving rather than the “it feels a bit better/worse today” technique


I’ll be interested to hear how you get on


My therapists in rehab used a wii to help with balance and other benefits. Enjoyed playing wiisports just like i used to when we got our fanily wii when they first came out


That’s actually a great idea, I used to play it with kids when they were younger, we even had the balance board for it…don’t have any of it now though. I can think of a few members on here who would probably benefit from it too.

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I played Mario Party via Nintendo Switch with the kids, as well as Just Dance 2020 and I know it helped me…PS both work like Wii but you can cheat on Just Dance as it doesn’t record foot movements. So still works with hand in the game and if you are able, you can sit and move your feet as well. It was fun with the grandie and friends.


Thanks all, I’ll let you know how I get on once it’s arrived and I’ve had a few weeks to try it out.

Could be a relatively cheap (about £60 all in so less than a private physio appointment) addition for many especially, as De Ann mentions, as many of the games can be played sitting down.


Well the Wii fit from ebay has just arrived but I think that it may be broken as it says I’m overweight and have awful balance :joy:


Or confuse because it’s never seen anybody with quite the reaction set?


could be, I think that it measured my centre of gravity as being somewhere in the next room!!


Quick update after two weeks - My balance has improved significantly as I am now able to “calibrate” the pain levels (pain being my only real sensation still) against a visual representation of my Centre of Gravity (CoG). Additionally the Balance games push me to quickly and accurately shift my CoG in different directions to achieve the games aims so I can also “calibrate” the levels of pain in my toes and heels as I shift the CoG. Helps to also “calibrate” my proprioception sensations (the pain signals that I’m getting from my muscles and joints). In the real world - I am able to walk more confidently and turn more accurately without wobbling so much. I can also now stand and place my feet into untied shoes without having to hold onto something.

Summary - I’ve definately got a lot more benefit out of the £60 spent on a second hand Wii Fit than I would have got out of less than an hours appointment with a private physio and of course I’ve only really just started with the Wii so I’ve still got loads more opportunities to improve - will keep updates going if they’re seen as of benefit

Take care all

Rich C.


Great positive post that. I’ll be getting our wii out after we move house for sure

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That’s good to hear Rich :slight_smile:

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Thank you for the update. I would like to hear more of your progress over time. As I mentioned before, I really think playing the video games helped me a lot, and I hope you will continue to see progress as you go along. My guess is that you will.

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I know that I’ve got a Sony PSP tucked away somewhere so I might look that out to see if I can use it to boost dexterity in my left hand, as long as I can find time in between all the exercises, treadmill, Wii, jigsaws and work :smiley:


You aren’t kidding about all the exercises! I wrote down all I was supposed to do in a day, and there was no time left for brushing teeth, taking a bath or just living! I cut them down to half one day, half the next, so not doing as much as I am supposed to, but enough to help. Sometimes I think they give you more than you need to ensure you actually at least get some in. If so, who can blame them. Many people don’t do them at all. Best wishes in your journey. The games should count as some of your exercise.

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I’m in the process of bidding for a Wii for my partner (clot a week today). He’s lost use of left hand side so I’m hoping that a few of the games may help, at least it’s a bit more stimulating than sat with a physio! Also going to get a balance board as well…


That’s a good move :slight_smile:

Don’t get a one handed controller though - encourage the use not the non use :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forum btw - have you seen the welcome post? :slight_smile: