My husband had a stroke a week ago

sorry to here this a year isnt long time my right hand isnt as good as it was , but mine wasnt bad, 18 months ago, but i am 77 , so he is a lot younger


merry christmas @tricia3
here’s hoping you have a good day

keep on keepin’ on
:writing_hand: :santa: :+1:


thanks :christmas_island: :christmas_tree: :joy:


hi know that feeling as well. it just so heart breaking as my husband never cried or showed pain or fear and in hospital he will cry and say he was afraid and i will not sleep just thinking about his pain and his fear , then next day he is all smiles and happy. i had to go for councelling as i was not copying to well but doing so much better now. please if you do need to talk to about it talk to friends and family. . there is so much support out there.,


How is your husband doing now? Is he still in hospital?


I am so happy they sent him home 23rd Dec but i am doing all care and its not easy we do have carers but he does not like them and is confused as with hosp nurses used uniforms here they dont and wear jackets and hats and he is still so afraid . They seem to stress him and so for xmas no support at all. they are comming in so if its a different carer maybe he will let them do cares, social work visited and was upset that they just sent him home without stoke package. just a few week basic home care. she said he should she will arrange stroke care. i am trying my best . I am managing praying for strenght and one more day hopefully we get some help on 27 th when not holiday . i took time off work as well.


Sorry to hear that EmmaT1974. He sounds like a battler and having a sense of humour will help in the long run, you will all laugh together further down the line trust me. Offer love, support and encouragement and you will all get through. It is what got me through my stroke, not sure where I would be without the love and encouragement of my nearest and dearest.
All the best.


Thank you for your encouraging words. We’re on day 10 today and he’s doing so well. He has feeling in his left side and is wriggling his toes around. He really is a battler and i have total faith he’ll work hard to get his mobility back. We’ve gone through so many emotions over the last week and its been terrifying. Ive found that each day i have a new focus for worry. ‘Will he have to have carers’ ‘will we ever stroll around our park again’ ‘will he have another stroke’. He is so strong and focused on recovery i feel bad for moaning. I hope you’re doing ok x

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Trust me its does get better. I had my stroke 5 years ago now aged 53. I was fit as a fiddle, ran marathons, played football, didnt drink or smoke, it can happen to even the fittest of people. I was shocked, had no use of my left side and very angry with the deal I had been dealt. My trump card was my wife and daughter, they were crucial in my recovery. That is a vital role you must play, along with hubbies sense of humour and determination it will get better. I am back at work part time, yes life is not the same but I am a better person for it and the bond I have with my close family is even tighter.
Take care and best wishes x


Im so glad you’re doing well. Like you we are such a close family and myself and my son will do everything to support him. Thank you again for your support. Hearing stories like yours gives us so much hope x

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Good to hear your htsband is doing well. The early progress sounds encouraging & should give you both plenty of hope. You will have loads of questions & the answers will appear in time. Take each day as it comes & celebrate each achievement however small. It sounds like your husband has some great support around him which will help loads.

Best wishes to you all xx


Keep your chin up, 4 years ago on the 14th December, I had a stroke that put me in hospital. I didn’t lose sensations as such but to start with I had just limited use of my right arm, pronounced double vision, and my speech was very slurred. I was also running a very high temperature which made the ambulance crew think it was sepsis. But after a couple of days of IV antibiotics I could talk reasonably normally again, and I had regained feeling in my legs, but still could not stand or swallow properly… Then on the 20th I had a second stroke which rendered me unconscious, and |I was sent down for an emergency CT scan - and I woke up in the scanner - which was NOISY to put it mildly!! After that it was diagnosed that the stroke was caused by infected heart valves (endocarditis) throwing off clots, one of which lad lodged in the brain. So the treatment was principally IV antibiotics. I gradually learned to walk again, initially with two carers supporting me, and then with a frame until by the end of January one of the doctors quipped that my walking was no worse than “Half the people in the city centre on a Saturday night!” I finally got home in early February… Since then I have done well, and have been left with minimal disabilities. My balance is not as good, and although I could carry a cup of tea in my left hand, I would almost certainly spill it, and six months later, got my driving licence back… I fully appreciate that I am one of the lucky ones, and dodged several bullets during that episode, But I am definitely not the only one - so never give up hope. Progress can come painfully slowly, but come it does…