Moving home and moving areas

Hello my uncle suffered a stroke back in May . After rehabilitation he is now back home in his bungalow in north London. He is getting on as well as he can but if we are honest the layout of the bungalow is not perfect for he needs he also has no access to his bathroom due to the layout and his wheelchair can’t access it. Also at present he has one family manager near by for support and she is planning to move away in the new year . The rest of his family including myself are located in Cambridgeshire and after talking to my uncle he wants to move to a new bungalow near us .so he can have access to everything and also we can be there in case he needs us in an emergency. The move would also release funds for him to fund ongoing private treatment . He isn’t receiving any state care or benefit . But I have been told that he may not be allowed to move without there permission . Has anybody been through this or has any advice. In his nephew and I have power of attorney for finance and property . Hope you can help many thanks

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Hello @jamescjames
Welcome to the forum. You’ll find there’s a lot of folk here who have broad end deep experience and are very willing to share it .

There’s no way the health service can stop your uncle from moving. The new health service has an obligation to accept him as well .

From what you describe he should qualify for a number of benefits and assistance.
Contact the local council’s adult services department. Also apply for PIP It’s not means tested. The health service occupational therapy team should be able to arrange grab rails and other access aids so that he can get to the bathroom there are smaller wheelchairs for example eg like those for people who get on to an aeroplane

Loads of good advice in

Also you & family may get better understanding of his challenges by browsing



Thank you for your reply . I was told social services can stop a move and that we need there permission to move him . I was concerned as having had the stroke can they stop him as he hasn’t got any speech and can’t convey his wishes clearly . But he certainly lets you know what he wants using gestures etc .


Hi James

I would contact your local citizens advice in that case.
It seems that maybe some other aspects are relevant. I could imagine adult social care may have jurisdictional authority but not the health service - that may come from safeguarding accountabilities where for example not being able to express his wishes - have you a power of attorney?

The stroke association helpline is also a source of assistance with many topics and a signpost to other relevant resources

I need stroke support and information | Stroke Association).


I only have power of attourney for finance and property . Not health someone mentioned applying for health deputyship but I really don’t know what to do .




I don’t think social services can stop him if that is what he really wants to do. If he is of sound mind and can clearly convey his intentions to social services himself, then it’s more likely that they may be able to help him with that. At the very least they should be able to set up the hand over of his care to the social services team in your area, one less task for you to sort out. They do have a duty of care for his mental and physical well being, so they will want to see he is up for the move first. And they may even be able to help or advice on types of accommodation such as sheltered housing, help with the setup of his new home for wheelchair accessibility, safety rails etc. You need to learn to use these services to your advantage and not as an adversary.


It’s certainly possible to apply for power of attorney over health matters. As I understand it, prior to this, doctors may take views into account but are not bound by them.

When I was in the ICU, I was asked did I want reviving if something happened. Up until that point, it hadn’t dawned on me just how serious it was.
If I was unconscious or another stroke might have damaged me so that I could not communicate, I would much have preferred my wife in consultation with the doctors make an informed decision rather than the doctors alone.

Plenty of solicitors will do this for you for a fee but we found the financial one easy enough to do, just needed some time.

Hope this helps



I thought your piece was very well written.
My own home has been adapted for my daughter a few years ago, downstairs bath, ramp, widened front door and ceiling hoist. They met these costs for us.
As I understand it, they would not stop us moving but if it is with x years, we would need to repay the adaption costs as part of any sale.

Is it possible that social services would be involved from a protective safeguarding point of view in the new location and to do things such as you mention like a handover ?

As I understand it, modern builds are on the basis of wider doorways and step free access into the home, precisely so local authorities didn’t need to pick up adaption costs.


Thank you for your comments. My concern is that they will seam him not of sound mind as he is no verbal . But be assured he certainly makes his feeling know if does or doesn’t want to do things . I’m guessing I will have to ask them what his status is . Just hope nonissues as the move is what he wants and has set his heart on it . It will really improve his quality and standard of life .as the new property will suit his needs completely.


Can he communicate in other ways, in writing perhaps or even by nodding or shaking his head?

At the end of the day, if social services are already involved with your dad’s care then they are the best people to talk to about this.

You could also call the Stroke Association Helpline 0303 3033 100 at they will be able to give you more informed advice that’s up to date.
You could also try Age UK helpline or Citizens Advice.

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@jamescjames just popping by to say hi & welcome to the forum.

I can’t add much to what others have said. I would strongly advise getting advice from someone like Citizens Advice as this type of thing can be very complex especially if your uncle is non vetbal.

Hope you manage to get things sorted.

Best wishes



James, just to say, through years of mainly my wife using her influencing skills for my daughter, you will find with some of the support teams that they respond to key words. It’s like a game of word bingo where you don’t know the rules.

To give you an example which doesn’t really fit your circumstances, if we were to say my daughter is finding her air mattress bed uncomfortable. That probably won’t trigger anything. If we were to say she is developing red marks, that would trigger a response as that is part way to pressure sores.
Both were true but if you want something to happen/get the support to work for you