Left or Right

@ It Ain’t so! :blush: No way.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Yes, sir, it is true…but could come in very handy for the bagpipe! I am almost certain people would prefer bagpipe to my soap box sermons!


Well…The Hoosiers RULE!!! :smile:


Well that thread went all over the place didn’t it! Great to read the talent that is here :wink:

Can’t add anything to the musical interlude. But on the original subject that started it way way back at the top - I’m right hand dominant and right side affected .

I have wondered about the combination of dominant hand and stroke effect: if you’re affected in the dominant hand then does that given advantage to combating learnt non-use?

Of course it is impossible to know what is happening with other people so when I hear people say “I have got only a little use back in a limb” I am wondering how much of it is because learnt non-use and physiotherapists who tell us “you won’t improve” / “plateau” etc create a circumstance that’s self-fulfilling.

I’ve constantly rejected the notion that I cannot build capability. I observe my capability grows at about the same rate as a newborn so at 3 years I think I have the dexterity of the 3-year-old. I’m it ignorantly postulating that I capability of growth is slowed by an old damaged brain, and speeded by an adult understanding of muscles and tendons and goals and thus is about the same rate of capability development through the compensations .

I have learnt to do things left handed. There are still things that I can’t do very well left handed such as writing. I haven’t tried to develop left-handed writing skills. I haven’t had to write very much! But I didn’t want to reinforce learnt on use. Everything is pretty good down to the wrist - but not beyond :frowning:

My biggest current hurdle is grip and even worse is letting go.
for example when I try and hold a toothbrush my thumb won’t press against the handle and my little finger won’t wrap around to stabilise.
I can exert initial pressure but within 5 seconds it significantly fades and gives up at about 15 seconds. Attempts to sustain it just drill my toes into the ground harder and harder. I’ve tried a standing on one leg so my right foot isnt on the ground - sort of half works :slight_smile:

If I attempt to pick up a mug or shake someone’s hand I can’t let go! Since I now accept and offered handshake it does have to come along with a explanation as to why I can’t let go! So far it’s been received with humour :slight_smile:

I’ve certainly discovered what a right-handed world it is - for example scissors! Trying to cut left-handed with right handed scissors is a nightmare.



Simon, I’ve given you a couple of heads-up on a great tool for grip and Matthew seconded the usefulness of it. I think you still haven’t’ read it?
It is under the thread I started “My right Hand”. I included a video.
Keep working with the scissors, keep trying. It took me a while.
My left hand is just a helper: can’t write with it or draw or paint. It holds a cane well though, when I need it.

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Do you mean this topic

& Specifically this post

One of my most useful aids is a piece of broomstick - doesn’t have the elastic qualities of the rubber cosh though and I didn’t have the benefit of that video till your thread

Thanks 4 that

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@SimonInEdinburgh Yes: and the video is quite good. I have 3 strengths of these. I am still on the weakest. lol


Left side which is not my dominant side but I had taught myself to use my left side to throw a baseball when I tore my right rotator cuff. So now, at 65, I don’t play baseball anymore…lol…nor was I that good in the first place.
Wondering if anyone else commemorates the anniversary of their stroke? I am taking a trip today to celebrate one year–my wife calls it our “Strokeaversary”. God bless all of you here–this Forum has been an inspiration to making it one year and still being somewhat sane.


Hi @Scoutieboy

Yep people do although I didn’t really mark my third anniversary in September this year

if you search for your wife’s term you’ll find it’s been used six times before with the exact same spelling in other posts and if you just search anniversary there’s over 50 posts .

I guess you’re in the states?


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Yes, in Indiana. Ready for the next challenge on this journey.

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Given that you’ve been here since April I guess you’ve worked out who else is in the US?

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Yes. It is good to see how things are handled here and over there. It has been a great experience on the Forum.


New Jersey Here. Border of PA.
Hi Scoutieboy.


I am your neighbor in Indiana. But, pray tell, does anyone know what a Hoosier is?

IHB: What is a Hoosier.

Seems to answers it…

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Not really, but nice try! It didn’t mention the most common guess in these parts…When the Louisiana purchase was made, many people moved to or through Indiana on a land grab. When they would come across other travelers they would ask where they were from (assumedly Kentucky). Then, in trying to find a connection, they would ask. “Whose your Daddy?” to see if they knew of them from a former place. Just a friendly gesture. The answer is no one knows, but in the end it doesn’t really matter.

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If you say so :wink:
But I found a web page that says something different so that’s on the internet and that must be true then


my stroke affected my right hand side ,im very lucky in that i can use my weaker side nearly as much as my dominant side , sometimes i think that maybe a hinderance more than a help


@daveymitch Hi, I am in the same boat as you. Was doing well but then spasticity set in.
I wish you a good recovery.


So your left handed by birth and right side affected?

Yeah I’ve often wondered about the dynamics. I’m right side affected right side dominant and it’s taking 3 years to get to the point where I’m beginning to be able to use my dominant hand again and in those 3 years my left hand has had to learn new tricks.

Never mind to left feet I’ve got two left hands now!
