I'm unsure of exactly what happened

…sounds like a lot more than a panic attack went on. If the right side of your body became paralyzed, how’s it feeling now? Have you got full range of movement? Is your speech still having problems? There are many strokes that go missed…

good luck, Roland


Sadly my CT scan didn’t show my stroke but thankfully they did an MRI which did.


@Brit560 it sounds like you need to go nack and see someone sooner rather than later. A CT scan doesn’t always pick everything’s up so it might be worth asking for an MRI.

There are conditions that can mimic stroke symptoms but you need to know whats going on for your peace of mind and to ensure you’re getting the right treatment.


Hi @Brit560 definitely go see your GP. I didn’t think I had a stroke but went to see him 5 days later after my symptoms.he phoned hospital and sent me straight there. Mine was confirmed by CT. Hopefully get to the bottom of it.



Yes an MRI scan would put your mind at rest , go to your GP as soon as possible better to be safe than sorry.


Hello @Brit560
Welcome to the forum. Sorry you have had cause to join us.

Stroke symptoms manifest in many ways. We have a little poll at running about fast which shows in our experience it’s non-reliable test that applies perhaps to a minority!

I went to my GP about funny feelings on multiple occasions It wasn’t until I had an MRI that my neuro something announced who I see you have had multiple strokes!

My reality shouldn’t be taken as your reality.
If you had loss of function & tingles or some of numbness confusion balance eyesight fatigue taste hearing smell speech understanding etc it would suggest something neurological is at least worthy of suspicion.

That doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve had cell death of brain tissue.

It does mean it’s worth getting checked out and given the health services reliance on fast, triaging patients vs costs and equipment availability etc you might have to be the squeaky wheel that gets the grease - the health service PALS maybe able to advise.
You don’t say how old you are - the young are more likely to get dismissed as “can’t be having a stroke must be drunk or high”

Anxiety or panic attacks do have physical symptoms in the threat arousal response see below



Things have gone back to normal after 5 days but I’m having mood swings and feel tired on and off frequently! My speech was affected up until yesterday!


I will definitely have to go nack for an mri especially knowing some strokes don’t always show right away on cts and they did mine right after mine happened! I read it could take up to 7 hours before the damage shows on a scan after a stroke!


Even for an MRI, if a stroke is small enough or deep enough it could take a few days for it to reveal. There have been people even on here who’ve had both types of scans right away and nothing has been seen other either, then some 6wks to 3 months later they have another scan and yes, you’ve had a stroke.

So keep pushing, you’ve hade some sort neurological episode that certainly needs further investigation.


Thank you for that advice, I’m seeking out a cardiologist that my grandfather who also had strokes from a young age went to, they got me in right away, for tomorrow! So I’m hoping they will help! I still don’t feel completely normal! I feel very apathetic, with swings of small emotion and hot flashes and cold flashes and my blood pressure keeps going up and down! This is certainly not fun and I need answers!


Good luck :slight_smile:
Fingers crossed


Hope you get the answers you need tomorrow. Good luck x

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Well something is clearly wrong, so write down all the symptoms you have experienced from day one. Just so you don’t miss out any particular telling clue. I wish you the very best of luck and only the very best of outcomes :smile:

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Thank you, I appreciate it :pray:

Yea, I’m honestly jotting down everything including my fungal infection stuff because at this point anything could be a cause! And I just hope I could express to them what I experience all day long when I’m not in the drs office for less than an hour! So I’m taking notes and got a BP cuff to document that also! I swear some illness love to hide! But I appreciate all the advice it has helped me a ton, I’m starting to feel confident in getting help and sorta in a sense knowing what I’m dealing with! It’s refreshing to know that I’m not the only one who has dealt with this sort of situation and there are all of you to help! Thank you again :blush:


Every single one of us have been through that life threatening experience, and that’s what strokes are! Can your boyfriend go with you? Not only as support for you but he can backup what you say and maybe remember what you may have forgotten.

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I’ve recently had my first appointment and needed someone with me and a note book full of questions and symptoms. It’s crazy as the minute I say before him I went blank and found I was easily put off when he spoke and interrupted me. Good luck and I hope you find answers! :blush: x


I’m nervous that will happen to me also, but my ma is coming with me so hopefully she’ll speak up if I go blank! I’m sorry you had to experience something similar also! And thank you :blush:


I suffered my first stroke aged 34, back in 2005. Over the past 8 years I’ve been experiencing loads of neurological symptoms and putting them down to old stroke. I’ve found out I have B12 problems after doing some research, and having private tests. Last March I booked to see a private doctor in Cambridge, but then suffered another stroke. This doctor confirmed Pernicioius Anaemia/B12 deficiency. In August I started treatment, but in September I suffered another major stroke,
After my first stroke, the only factor for it was a PFO (hole in heart) which they would only repair/close if I suffered another stroke. Hopefully after 3 strokes this will now be closed.
After finding out about Pernicious Anaemia, I’ve found out it runs in my family and it’s link to stroke due to hyperhomocysteinemia. My stroke consultant thinks my PFO is the cause of my strokes rather than Pernicicous anaemia.


@Sparky902 Hi & welcome to the forum. How unlucky to have had multiple strokes. I really hope they close your PFO now & that you don’t have to wait too long.

This is a great place to ask questions & get advice.

Look forward to hearing more from you.

Best wishes
