Having a bad patch

Thanks Lorraine. I know I’m fortunate not to have pins and needles, nausea or tingling; and to be very mobile. Mary

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Yes Mary-- Do check with your doctor. I checked with my GP and my cardiologist first, and both were ok with it. My GP said many of her patients use it. :slightly_smiling_face: :heart: :heart:Jeanne

Thanks Jeanne for the advice. Mary

I’m just over 2 years post stroke as well and was one of the lucky ones that didn’t have any physical after effects, except for the tiredness. As you all say I can be fine for days and then I get the tiredness down my right side and experience a “lightness” in my right leg as if it isn’t there for a short time. I manage to cope with all of this but its the feeling down when it hits me that I struggle with. In the last year I’ve lost my aunt due to a massive stroke and a friend also had a stroke. This has started me worrying that I might have another stroke and that if I do will it leave me unable to cope, be a burden on my daughter etc.? Does anyone else feel like this or is it just me being over emotional?

Hi BattyDi , I just saw your message (2 weeks later :upside_down_face:-sorry). I think that since the brain has struggle to reconnect in its damaged parts, it’s a little weaker in those areas, and if we are tired for some reason, that part of the brain is even more “tired” and the old effects of that area are more evident. I know that when I’m tired I “stumble around” more. Even folks who haven’t had a stroke and kids, if they’re very tired are physically less coordinated, etc. I am doing everything I can to keep healthy, taking bloods thinners, medication for the discovered afib, eating healthy, sleeping, TRYING NOT TO WORRY AND FOCUSING ON THE POSITIVE AND GOOD THINGS :rainbow: Easier said than done, I know. :blush: After that, it’s really all in the hands of God, so I just put myself there I and try to make my own little universe as good as I can. :heart:Jeanne

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Thank you for all your positive comments. I find the up and down /good bad days hard to handle. I know I am making good progress but still feel it’s not good enough. I need to be patient and learn to rest. Good wishes to everyone. We are not alone but just can’t remember. Have a good weekend everyone
Love thanks and prayers.
Anne x x


Thank you for those encouraging words. Anne x