Can we have ???

Can Can ?


Rin Tin Tin ?

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Timberland is not just forest. It’s forest that produces commercial wood products. Where I live in California, there are about 32 million acres of forest and 16 million of them are timberland. I looked it up. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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what the queen likes to drive around in

Land rover

Corry norry, oop norf.

Rover’s Return

Range Rover :blue_car::blue_car::blue_car::blue_car::blue_car::blue_car::blue_car::blue_car::blue_car:

RETURN CLOTHES- ones that don’t fit

Clothes line :grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:

On the side of ships (do they still do that?)

Plimsoll Line

FISHING LINE :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish:

Fly fishing :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish:

Out filling the night sky with glowing dots of light

Fire fly

Fire Brigade :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

Army Ants :ant: :ant: :ant: :ant: :ant: :ant: :ant: :ant: :ant: :ant: :ant: :ant: :ant: :ant: :ant: :ant: :ant:

on a particular day in the month?

flying ants

Somewhere to put all those sheets of music

Music stand

Put on your head and keep tresses in place

Alice band

Brass band

Where I used to play cornet :blush:

Elastic band a thousand uses

Gold Ring :ring: :blush::blush::blush::blush::blush::blush::blush::blush::blush::blush::blush:

Star Trek – I love science fiction.

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