Speaking out loud :speaking_head: :pouting_cat:……

Drums are loud :drum: .Sleeping is quiet :bed: :sleeping: , unless you snore. :zzz:

Sleeping is a state of reduced mental and physical activity

Sleeping beauty :sleeping::sleeping::sleeping::sleeping::sleeping::sleeping::sleeping:

Beauty is its own excuse for being . :rose:

I sent a note to excuse Billy from doing games

ORIGIN OF HERO - First recorded in 1605

My bucket :bucket: lost a whole lot of water because it had a hole in it.

Wholemeal Bread :bread:, so it’s Bread

There’s lots of different kinds of bread: :bread: :sandwich: :stuffed_flatbread: :flatbread: :moneybag: :dollar: :coin:

Great balls of fir​:sun_with_face::comet::fire::sunny:

Oooops That should have been Great balls of Fire

A ball is a round object with several uses.

:notes:The wheels :wheel_of_dharma: on the bus :oncoming_bus: go round and round :notes:

Popular bus timetables

182 Royton 19:40 :oncoming_bus: :oncoming_bus:

Royton bus Stop, form a Queue Please

Next stop Kew Gardens all aboard

There’s worms in that garden :worm: :worm: :worm: :worm:

Round and round the garden like a teddy bear