FORUM GAMES - Animal, Bird, Creature

Kanga, the Kind Kangaroo :kangaroo:, mother of Roo in Winnie the Pooh.

Maurice the Mongoose

Newt, the very Nice Newt

Ozzie the Olm also known as cave salamander

Paddy the Pedantic Penguin :penguin:

Ronald, the rambunctous Rat-- :rat:

Tommy the tortoise

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Ursuala the ukulele playing umbrella bird :bird:

The Walrus:seal: and the Carpenter :man_dancing:were walking close at hand
They wept like anything to see such quantities of sand. :beach_umbrella: :sob:

X marks the spot on the LEOPARD

Yasmin the Yellowhammer

Zebra a horse in it’s pj’s

Annabel the amazing antelope

Basil, the bullying, belligerant Bull:ox: beats up other bulls for fun :ox: :ox: :ox: :ox: and then basks for a while in the noon time sun. :sun_with_face:

Cyril - our cat :black_cat: :cat2: :cat: :cat2: :black_cat:

Dave the dangerous dingo

Edgar the Elfin Elephant :elephant:
He’s so small he fits in an Ear :ear:

Fred the fish :fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :tropical_fish: :blowfish: :shark:

**Gorgeous George, the Glamorous Gorilla **

Henry the humpback whale
It’s a biggun