FORUM GAMES - Animal, Bird, Creature

Marten the mocking bird. Double points here as I craftily have put a mammal and bird

Nellie the Narino Tapaculo is a species of bird in the Rhinocryptidae family.

Ollie the outlandish otter

Percival-- the pointy, ponderous, pouty Porcupine..

Quentin the Quail :bird: :turkey: :swan: :chicken: :baby_chick: :penguin: :hatching_chick: :hatched_chick: :duck: :eagle: :owl: :rooster: It’s a bird but not one of these.

Rodney the Raucous Raccoon

Memphis has to many ants

HHilary-WOW! :open_mouth:I bet that took you a long time! Tony, the Terrible Tiger- :tiger:He’s Gr-Gr-Gr-Great!!!

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Vince the Vestal Cuckoo Bumblebee

Ian and Iris the ibis, Ibis are now regular visitors near here on wet meadows and marshes round here

Xenon the xuberant xray fish

The Great Zamboni the zingy, zassy Zeba:zebra: is performing nightly at the Zanzibar Club in Zanzibar.

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Ann and ANThony the anteaters but they do like to have a termite now and again for a change

Cedric the cat :black_cat: :cat2: :cat: :cat: :smiley_cat:

Duff, the dapper DRAGON :dragon_face:lived by the sea :ocean: :dragon: :notes: :musical_note: :notes: :musical_note: :musical_note: :musical_note: :musical_note:

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Fred the flipping Flea, back flipping is his specialty look out Loshy he loves Fluffy cats. Fred the Fluffy cat Flea.

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Hilary the hairy creature :face_with_monocle: :nerd_face: :joy:

Ichabod the industrious Inchworm :worm:inches down the tree :deciduous_tree:
He has a job to do today. He’s measuring a bee. :honeybee:

Kate the kingfisher loves kippers with a Knob of butter

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Molly the moth she makes holes in your sock