
@EmeraldEyes I sat out in the sun today for a bit. It was lovely. The weather man has other ideas for tomorrow as we’re forecast rain :umbrella: for a change :grin::grin:

I don’t normally feel sorry for myself but today it has got me down. I’ve had a blub & feel a bit better for it.

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Yes, just seen the forecast for us to and its set for showers all weekend :roll_eyes:

You needed the release so blubber away, we always feel better after a good cry :blush:

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Hi Loraine @Loshy, i’m due to see the GP on Tuesday & I’m definitely going to mention it to her again. I do feel nauseous with it too. It comes in & just feel like i’m going to faint when it comes. I don’t think it’s the computer as still get it on non work days. I need to try & work out I guess whether with being back at work i’m now overdoing it & that’s causing it or whether it’s something else.

Thank you for the hug & tissues. That made me smile :grin:

Sending a hug in return :hugs::hugs: xx


@Loshy my GP had re-referred me & I’m going to ask if she’s heard any more from the hospital. Problem is it’s still a long wait to see someone. I shall keep on at GP until i get somewhere.

I’m sleeping ok…better than I have for years. Yay :grin:

I have more hugs for you if you’d like them :hugs::hugs::hugs: xxx

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Our surgery don’t allow access to our documents on the app but I can see test results etc.

Sleep well xxx


The only thing I’ve ever seen on that NHS app are my covid shots, woopeee :roll_eyes:

Thanks Loshy, I’ll have to look into that :smile:

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I requested access via my surgery too. I have access to most things but our surgery restrict access to documents. It is useful to see test results etc.

On a positive note i feel less dizzy today. Yay. Let’s hope that bout is on its way out. :face_with_spiral_eyes::face_with_spiral_eyes:


Definitely a weekend full of rest. Yes, finished a morning at work. Well I turned up not sure I achieved that much :rofl::rofl: hope you have a good weekend planned xx


Shwmae @Mrs5K, I did some reading on it. Putting aside anxiety or depression, it seems to me that stroke damage could cause PPPD, so it would be the same thing but under a different name.