Decompensation of stroke

Its definitely exhausting. Ive just been saying to hubby i wish it’d all go away. As I’m sure we all do.

Hope things settle for you soon.


I too have had repeats of some of my original symptoms. In my case loss of balance to the left.

I have never gone to hospital because total rest for several hours has always allowed the symptoms to go away.

Learning to manage my week and been the only way forward for me. I am two and a half years post stroke and still improving slowly but managing my exercise and exposure to noise and larger groups of people is still essential. Every time I get over confident and push myself too hard I suffer extreme tiredness for several days.

I guess we have to accept ourselves as we are now and move forward slowly


Exactly what I am doing, think Im doing ok, up my activity and it happens again. I am a year post stroke and have had three episodes in the last 6 months. Yes I think accepting the new normal is what I have to do and stop thinking I can go back to being the woman I was before…hard isnt it. Fatigue has been a real problem for me, I guess its a warning we are doing too much. I hope that your recovery continues to improve, thank you for your input, helps that it isnt just me (although I wish it wasnt happening to any of us).
Wishing you a happy and peaceful Christmas.


It’s very hard and like you say it helps to know it isn’t just us.
Happy Christmas and best wishes for your continued recovery in 2024


Wow! It’s like reading my recent history! A couple of rushes to A&E to spend a few delightful hours or a 48 hour stay in an obs ward to be told I wasn’t having another stroke, thankfully. Stroke consultant wasn’t too concerned about any of it but didn’t mention decompensation. But that’s what it is. My right eyebrow crashes down to almost closing the eye when I do too much or haven’t had sufficient rest. Only lasts a few minutes and has been what has helped lead to hospital visits. It’s tricky because we also have to be aware to not just ignore it too as my GP has been at pains to stress but didn’t really understand these repeat symptoms. Don’t you find everything feels a little better if you can name it? :rofl::blush: thanks for this, I feel better already xx Happy Christmas to you all and thanks for being my sanity and sanctuary this year :christmas_tree:


Its a very vexed question all this thread.

Balancing unknowns or unknowables in both cause and consequence

Night before last I woke in the middle of the night.
I had a very strange feeling in the index and second finger of my left hand- unaffected side. Unlike anything I’ve ever had. no pins and needles. A cross between being numb and being able to feel in a way that is not right and was totally different to anything in the past.

It went when I moved within a couple of minutes. Is that because I was laying on my arm? If so why have I never experienced this before? Putting pressure on a carotid artery? In a state of half awake half asleep unable to separate imagination from reality?

Add that to the spacey feelings I’ve now had constantly for nearly three weeks . the balance between going to a&e to be told take aspirin on top of your meds for a month. Something is causing Spacey and it came on quite suddenly hasn’t hasn’t left yet

Prospect of an MRI is zero and maybe a CT might be useful but would end in an “oh well, brown stuff happens”. I went to the GP last week - asked for scans on my neck - told you’ve had one in the last 2 years let’s do bloods instead make an appointment - so that’s 5 weeks given Christmas, and then 10 days to get the results - although when the cat had bloods done the results were back in 2 hours - go figure!¿

So all that is left is to live with the anxiety - which has its own physical manifestations which also look like a stroke - BP at the moment 155/ 88 btw

Stroke certainly is the present that keeps on giving.

I’m 37 months post the last confirmed stroke although my MRIs show I have had several that were not recognised by previous GPs



I wonder if this may help some of you.
Recently I have tried some classes in Neuromovement which I have found tone beneficial both for mental and physical well-being.If anyone is interested I can put them in touch with a qualified teacher for zoom lessons at very reasonable rates

I’d never heard of it before your mention above - so I would be interested to hear more :slight_smile:

Do you have an affiliation? Have you direct experience?

It doesn’t have a Wikipedia page although there is one on something that seems parallel Feldenkrais Method - Wikipedia

There are a number of advertisements for it as a service under the name Anat Baniel - and a few YouTube [edit I’ll look for a decent YouTube that was just an advert]

I’d want reassurance because of what my searches have pulled up before paying & I would pay for something that was a valuable intervention

Now to watch the YouTube… [Edit: Watched it - I’ll search for more informative…]


Server Neuropathy foot

Ican only say that I have personally found it very helpful both mentally and physically. I began the sessions quite accidentally as my daughter suggested they might help me. I have a qualified teacher who is very si pathetic to persons with limited mobility.

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Good to know:)
I wonder if who the therapist is is the key factor?

Very good news that is been beneficial for you :slight_smile:

I get that a lot in both hands, I just assume its carpal tunnel syndrome. The past couple of days its been in my right stroke hand more, think I over did it a bit with the hand exerciser :face_with_hand_over_mouth: My ring and middle fingers are the worst affected, ring finger gets very stiff with it. I’ve been doing the stretch below to fix it, seems to work a treat.

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It really is a no mans land isnt it, hospital sends you home when no new stroke is found. You mention feeling spacey, I can identify with that since I had my last episode. Also fatigued and still feel wobbly on my legs. It really would help to know what is causing it.


My symptoms are a watered down version of my original stroke, weakness in legs, numbness in side of my face lasting a few hours. Difficult isnt it, told not to ignore it and always comei n to get it checked, only to be told after a horrible time in a&e its not a stroke. Not sure repeated hospital admissions are doing us any good either. I feel like Im taking one step forward and three back. Certainly helps to know Im not alone in this. Wishing you all the best for the New Year.


Happy new year to you too. Hope 2024 leads to an easing of these symptoms. It’s very frustrating. All the best x


Update on decompensations of stroke… or a little moan. Further to my recent post on my decompensations… yet another one on 22 Jan, a&e yet again. Emergency appointment at TIA clinic where tia/new stroke was ruled out, sent for another MRI and more heart tests ordered. Still waiting for Neurolgy, very long waiting time. In the meantime Im ‘floored’ again, so tired and feel weak, every time it happens its takes longer to recover. There must be a reason it keeps happening just wish they could find out why. Feeling so down, life is just sleeping and sitting, cant concentrate, walk my dogs or do anything much. I feel like a burden on my family and friends. I live on my own so that doesnt help. The fit busy woman I used to be has gone, feel older than my 63 years.
Sorry to moan just helps to write it down.


@Ktrean60 so sorry to hear you’ve been floored again. It’s good that they have ruled out a stroke/TIA but you definitely need some answers as to what is happening.

Really hope you get some answers soon & you don’t have to wait much longer for neurology appointment.

Sending hugs :hugs::hugs:

Ann x


Thank you Anne, its all so frustrating. Feel bad moaning when everyone on here is struggling in some way x

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Don’t feel bad. It’s a good place to have a moan…we all understand. It’s so frustrating when you’ve worked so hard to get back on track & then it all goes backwards again.


No need to feel bad about having a good moan, we’ve all had our moments. And this is always a good place for a therapeutic moan. I do hope they can get to the bottom of this issue, its no way to live not knowing what’s going on :people_hugging: