
Ah, thanks John. Hope you and Chris have a really special Christmas. We’re looking forward to hearing (and seeing) more of your escapades in 2019. Veronica and John ?‍❤️‍?

Good work JJM - a combination of hubby's ear infection and my ghastly cold, we're feeling less than festive!!  But glad to see that everyone else has achieved so much ?  

My husband just asked me if I'd like a bobble hat for a C'mas pressie - I think he's forgotten how many I already own!!  

I guess you can have too much of a good thing!!

Back to the drawing board for present ideas for your husband. I'm sure he'll pull it out of the bag. ???

Hope you both feel better soon xx



You have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !!!

Im dreading the festivities this Year 

You could always try to take the view that this is christmas for new Donz and doesnt have to be the same as christmas for old Donz. 

If you are still suffering through SF then its going to be quiet for you. If you have people coming round, then tell them you will need rest. Then, when it gets too much just say you are off to rest and retreat to your bedroom for an hour.

Christmas should be a good time. For SS as well as everyone else.


If you are dreading having people round rather than dreading Xmas, why not eat out this year? My first post stroke Christmas was only 4 months after my stroke and we all went to the pub for Xmas dinner.  People will understand that you can't cope with all the hardwork, preparation and general noise just yet (or they should do!)  We've eaten out a few times at Xmas and to be honest, when you work out how much all the food/drink costs, how much gas/electric you will use to cook it and how much waste is left over (people usually overbuy big style for Xmas day dinner) it doesn't work out much more expensive to eat Xmas Day lunch in the pub.  We've had some OK pub Xmas Dinners in expensive pubs but by far the best for us was at a Toby Carvery.  Very traditional, plenty of it, no pretentious food dreamt up by over zealous chefs - just good old wholesome food and that's where we are going this year too!

Will be alone again this Xmas.  Mum and Aunt swan off to a fancy hotel, sis prefers being with her own family.  Meanwhile, I am left on my own.  Worst thing is, we all get on!  Of course, have discussed this with Mum.  The reply always is 'You wouldn't manage!'  Excuse me?  I live alone, use a walker and am v v independent.  Am perfectly capaable of asking for assistance, if required. This has been since lovely Dad in 2011.  He would HATE this! This is supposed to be a family time!!! It hurt me for years (still does sometimes), but I just make the most of things.  Thankfully, I always get a lot of cards, gifts, calls, texts or emails as a lot of my friends are in Yorkshire.  I realise pals have their own lives, and I would n-e-v-e-r invite myself anywhere.  If I'm not welcome with my Mum, so be it grrrrrr!  Her loss.  So sad, isn't it?  Almost Dickensian.  Leaving a disabled child (OK, I'm 55 haha!) on her own at Xmas.........

The best christmas is when we invite someone who would otherwise be alone. Sometimes just an elderly neighbour, whos mood changes for the better on christmas day, and sometimes a struggling younger person.

This helps us when we are both used to pretty big family xmas and now we are abandonned to our own devices. 

I think you live in wildest NE Scotland (?) so maybe neighbours are a long way away. 

Just a thought. Colin

Thanks Colin.  I live in Bellshill, near Motherwell, close to Glasgow.  Don't mind being alone, have just got used to it (mostly).  Luckily, I always enjoy Xmas lunches out with various friends in the weeks leading up to the big day.

Thanks for thinking about me, and hope you guys have a lovely festive season.  Might drop you a message on the day itself?  Cheers Carole :)

A christmas mesage would be nice. I will not be alone, my son usually comes to stay a few nights with my wife and me. I dont think christmas is a nice time anymore. I hope we can find a sole person to come and share our roast turkey, but no one comes to mind. Wish you were about 420 miles nearer than we could ask you. I was wrong about your location. I am recovering well after stroke, but my memory still plays tricks. Why I thought about NE Scotland I dont know. Its a long way from Motherwell isnt it.

Best wishes


Thanks so much Colin.  How lovely that your son will visit your wife and you over the holidays.  I agree, Xmas just, sadly, isn't the same now.  Part of me will always love Xmas, because my lovely Dad did, and he always made it a special time......

Agree, and thank you.  I would love to share that turkey with you guys!  Hey ho, it's not to be, but I will certainly message.  Likewise, I am attending the gym weekly, and have done since I returned to Scotland after breaking my hip, on holiday in York.  Free sessions last up until Xmas, but I reckon I'll carry on and pay (it's only about £2.50).  Can now stand from sitting WITHOUT HOLDING ON!!  Did that for the first time since my stroke, and I almost cried!  Everyone was clapping and cheering, as they know I was totally paralysed.  Almost a Xmas miracle (almost haha!).

Am glad you are still progressing Colin.  Take care and be well.  Peace Carole :)