Can’t go forward for going backwards

Thank you. I am so sorry you are in so much pain. It helps knowing I am not alone in this horrendous journey. I just feel when I get positive something else goes wrong.


I have never been told of spasticity. I will have to look it up. I am unable to take anti inflammatories due to my heart medication. I am already on Gabapentin twice a day for muscle cramps. I hope the acupuncture works for you I had it for neuralgia in my face and it helped. x


I am beginning to wonder if I will get back I think it may be time to consider early retirement x

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Thank you Ann, my boss has been lovely. When I had the heart attack 8 years ago nobody believed I still didn’t feel right said I just got a fright turns out my family and doctors were wrong and my artery was closed 99% so I cant help get paranoid about what people think. x


I am very new to this forum and still finding my way around. It’s nearly seven months since my stroke. I was fine for a few weeks afterwards and have been going downhill since then. My balance is bad, as is my aphasia. I am having an EEG in a few weeks time. I’ve had to rethink my expectations and plans of when I might get better. I do hope that you find the help you need and get back on a path of healing very soon.


Hi @Bibs just wanted to welcome you to the forum. It’s a good place for knowledge and support for all things stroke. Some members recently put this welcome document together in the hopes it might be helpful to new stroke survivors. It is rather lengthy so you may not be able to cope with or take it all in, in at one sitting, but good to read at your leisure in short bursts. Welcome - what we wish we'd heard at the start

In fact, if you wouldn’t mind me asking, could you give us your honest opinion on it afterwards, you can post your comments in the reply at the bottom of it. I still have mild aphasia but my stroke was over 2yrs ago and not all stroke survivors have aphasia. So it would be good to get your view point for things like readability, could it do with being broken down some more, is too wordy, just things like that to make it easier to read.
Thank you in advance :blush:


Hi @Bibs
Just wanted to add my welcome :slight_smile:

Are you in or from Fife or the Lothians? You mentioned Pittenweem & Inchcolm


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I will do. Thanks for adding the link.

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I am in Fife. Straight across the Forth from Edinburgh. :smile:

Queensferry? Kirkcaldy?
I’m in Danderhall about 2m from the ,RIE

If you can manage it would be helpful to get you views on…
Have you had advice about support services from chss & stroke association?
If so what? and did you have to seek it out or did they make first contact?, was it timely, relevant, complete, understandable, fit for purpose?
Do you feel they are standing ready as your needs emerge and develop?


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Hello Bibs sounds like we are at about the same stage I thought I had ‘got away with it’ after my stroke a few weeks later asphasia hit it has calmed down but comes back if I am tired or stressed. A month after that my balance went I have vestibular exercises to do she said my eyes were ‘bouncing’ all over the place that’s why I kept falling. Always here if you need to talk. Hopefully you will get answers soon x


Hi Derek,

on a bad day i have my glutes locked tight. It’s definitely painful. Lately I discovered a way of stretching out the right side of my body, my affected side, and waiting a minute until the muscle eases up a tiny bit. A little relief, finally. It took me 6 months to find this particular stretch. Have you tried anything like that?

Good luck, ciao, Roland


@pando Hey Roland: A very popular stretch for nearly the whole body (If you are in perfect shape and strong not is a dead-hang from chin-up bar. I, of course can’t do this move fully but I grab the bar both hands and just let gravity pull me down where I can handle it. Basically bending my knees. I hold this up to a minute. Wonderful stretch. As for the “Bum” lunges are great. Now: I don’t have the strength to do a full lunge, so I put one foot on a chair (a big heavy chair) and lunge into it for a good stretch, then switch legs. About 10 slow reps. Hold on to something or someone if you are wobbly.
I also like the “Back Bridge” for back AND glutes Here it is…


@Bibs Welcome, and all the best to you. You are in good company here.


Hi Roland

I haven’t tried anything like that at the moment what is the exercise you do please I am willing to try anything


Hi everyone

I went to doctor today she isn’t sure what’s wrong but may be a cracked bone something to do with my nerves or my hip. I got an X-ray today could barely walk by the time I was finished so home to take pain killers and rest. Will keep you posted. Thank you for your support x



how’s the pain along your thigh doing? any improvement?
ciao, Roland

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I felt fine immediately after my stroke . I even doubted I’d had one. Fatigue and the drug regime were an initial problem. Later came unsteady walking which I put down to narrow uneven pavement’s with my fear of falling over. Very occasionally I might use a walking stick. My big issue at the moment is processing. I have to think through my responses! You are not alone!


Still as bad I had a restless sleep even after taking the painkillers. Thank you for asking Pando

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Richard3 Nobody tells us there can be a delay in symptoms it is so frustrating