Vision Loss (hemianopia) . Not a stroke - Oh it is a stroke

Hi @mccormack5.ed this is similar to my husband, he had a stroke a year ago and ERI recently filled out a critical exemption form for the dvla, it was a bit of a nightmare at the Edinburgh royal tbh, his usual consultant wasn’t there for his appointment that they arranged for him and when he turned up they sent someone he had never met and she asked him why he was there, nobody has ever helped with his left eye loss of peripheral either, his GP only did a telephone call the week after the stroke and point blank refused to physically see him, dvla have been awful. I think there needs to be more help and supper for stroke survivors. Hope you are recovering well

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Thanks for sharing @Mrsbrightside . Sounds a right palaver. Couldn’t agree with you more. Better care required.
I’m doing well. Been to edinburgh eye pavilion and go back in June… Eyes have improved; but still hoping for more as every little bit makes a big difference.

That’s great news so pleased for you :smiling_face: do you mind me asking if you arranged the eye pavilion yourself or did the hospital/gp refer you?

Referred via gp. Was no news (I was expecting an appointment) so asked gp who wrote to them.
I had phoned them but needed to be referred.

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Ok thank you! Enjoy your weekend :smiling_face: