Urine Infection

Yep good to be back. Been battling the black dog and have returned to work. Loving my work at the moment…I am an elected rep for a trade union! So all good fun right now.

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Here I am again about eighteen months later. Wee infection once more. As before feeling down. Been trying to get the doctors attention all this week. Finally, today, Friday, after making a complaint I finally received a course of the nitrofurantoin antibiotic.
. . . and again if I fall into a coma I’ll be sure to inform the G.P.

:writing_hand: :grin: :+1:

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Hi Bobbi, sorry to hear you’ve been struck once again. Urine infections really are the pits.

You may already know but when my hubby had a recent infection (it was a weekend) we rang 111 but they managed to get him an appointment with the oit of hours service & voila was prescribed some antibiotics. Less than 2 hrs had passed from initial phone call to getting the pills.

Hope the pills work quickly & you’re soon back to your cheery self.


Thank you @Mrs5K I appreciate your interest and concern.
I’ve taken the first pill, will soon consume the second and I’m expecting results to appear shortly.

Our main problem is lack of mobility. Nothing is impossible I suppose but for us to get out to an appointment or whatever is just not an option, so everything has to be booked, fixed or arranged by phone or over the internet.

I am optimistic and have adopted an optimistic, glass half full, demeanour.
The sun will come out soon.

keep on keepin’ on
:pill: :grin: :+1:


Sorry to hear your feeling down @Bobbi

I’ve heard urinary infections can be very nasty and also somewhere in the back of my mind is that they can result in …eerm…is it delirium?

I wish you well with the antibiotics :slight_smile:

Can you walk 5 m? I do Remember you suggesting that you stand and do things in the kitchen. Would that not be enough walking to get you out of the front door and then back? If you could do that on Monday perhaps you could get to the garden gate by Friday? If you can get to the garden gate by Friday perhaps you can get to the end of the lane by next month?

I’m sure you are equal to the principle which is a little action chips away at the big goals and draws them in closer

Perhaps this can be a catalyst for greater things?



Luke 4:23?


the outlook is promising

keep on keepin’ on
:pill: :grin: :+1:

After about a week of this ailment and a day of treatment.

I wouldn’t say I’m cured yet, but after three tablets (two a day) there are definite improvements.

It is 5.30 am. It has been another night of off and on disturbed sleep. So I’m pretty tired.

The good news is that it is no longer painful to wee, it is not cloudy as it was, but though I’m doing more now it is still frequent and not so much.

These improvements mean that my spirits are raised. I’ll put a can of ale in the fridge for a celebration when the last tablet has done its thing, That will be a further 5 or 6 days so not finished yet.

I’ll go make myself a brew. This little journal of my experience will be a reference for the future.

I am not someone accustomed to ailments and down time. Making and reporting a catalogue of ailments has never been my thing. I am unused to being so self obsessed. If this is what stroke brings I must struggle to be free.

I wish there was a course of something for stroke which would, after a few days, put us back into a whole condition ready to take on the world yet again.

Enough of this. This day will be better than the previous. I must content myself and . . .

keep on keepin’ on
:pill: :face_with_head_bandage: :+1:

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23And he said unto them, Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself: whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country. https://www.biblesociety.org.uk


I’m not asking you to prove your divinity to me but to help your self move nearer improving the themes I see you saying you having struggles with. IE not being mobile


My thanks go to those who have had offered sympathy.
May all be well with you.

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@Bobbi glad to hear you’re symptoms are improving. The wonders of antibiotics :slightly_smiling_face: heres to you being able to enjoy that beer in a few days :beer:

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Bobbi you certainly have my every sympathy! I know UTI’s well and wouldn’t wish them on anyone. Had them both during pregnancies and just prior to be diagnosed with diabetes. Apparently it’s a common symptom of untreated diabetes. Thankfully I’ve not had any since!
My bladder is shuddering at the memory :sweat_smile:


This thread was not started by me. The subject is not me. The fact that I am experiencing this gives me the opportunity to document it from my point of view.

I’m sure there are those who could make a better job of it but that won’t stop me making my humble offering.

On occasion I have used this forum to record what I consider to be notable happenings in my little life. I think sharing what can sometimes be a lonely, mystifying series of events can shed light on the experience of stroke.

I don’t boast of having the answer, a winning strategy or wise words to offer. I do feel that communication is valuable as a means to attempt to see where one is and where the journey might be taking us.

Looking over what I have written here on this forum in the last couple of years does put things into perspective.

I have been inspired and encouraged by others and what they have had to say about this both ordinary and extraordinary life we now experience.

But this is a diversion. The subject here is Urine Infection.

After going to bed much earlier than I would normally and waking at least once an hour to do a small pee each time once again in frustration I am up at three am. I will inflict my dodgy philosophy on the world, then return to bed hoping morning will arrive speedily and with no fuss.

keep on keepin’ on
:writing_hand: :grinning: :+1:

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I find that in most circumstances just carrying on regardless is often the answer.

You told me that on the (your) zoom call on Friday evening that you had mercury tablets.

Please explain

You also told me I can drive a car with hemianopia if I put a patch on my eye.


I have found that in most circumstances just carrying on regardless is often the answer.

I’m pleased to say that today is the last day of my course of antibiotics.
I feel much much better now.
The last few days haven’t been pleasant.
Thank you to those who offered concern and sympathy.

Hopefully, things will now get back to ‘normal’, whatever that is.

keep on keepin’ on
:writing_hand: :smile: :+1:

Glad you are feeling better


Glad you are feeling better @Bobbi UTIs really are the pits. Let’s hope you don’t get any more.