The the weekly shower

I was never a great lover of showers before my stroke and find the task every Saturday less than complicated and a bit stressed but my lovely wife shepherd s me in and out and gets me ready to face the day hope it gets easier as time moves on.

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Mr F. Before I came home Age UK put me a seat in the shower free of charge. This has enabled me to shower independently. Earlier in my recovery I even managed to get in and out of a bath independently. However,W hen I reached the age of 76 I realised having a bath was far too dangerous.

@mrfrederickson I was always a bath person but until my leg will.lift higher than a centimetre it’s showers for me. My hubby has put some rails & things in the shower for me so I can shower independently but it always makes me feel.yuck so I rest for a while afterwards. Never taken me so long to get up & moving in a morning but maybe that’s not a bad thing :blush:

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Same here my left leg and foot will not lift enough to get over the bat plus I’d never get out safely. I use shower hoes for grip and ha a great rail to keep me upright using my right arm, hoble in and sit on a stool whil my good lady applies water and I soap my poor body

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Hi , stroke 3 years, July . Decided for me , shower, best possible workout, need to be slow & careful , fitted doorbell , if help needed. Grab rails, wall , secured chair, removed inward opening door ( unsafe ) with curtain . Pir , turns on light & extractor . Find anything makes life easier, massive bonus. David.


Great adaptations David certainly on your way, I wis I was a bit more independent but not safe at the moment

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I was always a bath person, but managed to adapt to the shower by holding on to the door frame. Always fearful of slipping. Need music to sing along to, otherwise brain gets into dark thoughts. Could not deal with a bath for about a year. The water movement made me very giddy. Now have baths again regularly. Always needed a week to plan shower time. Not so bad now.

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Survived my weekly shower,so much harder as I cannot easily walk in and out with my left foot rolling over and Very painful, perched on a stool and with loads of help saw me safely back to my bed to get dressed