Stroke Patient Experience Measures Survey (PREMS)

Did you receive a Stroke Patient Experience Measures Survey (PREMS) in the post in January?

If you have received one and haven’t returned it yet, please consider doing so.

Hearing from more people means we get a better picture of your stroke care experiences.

Who will get this survey?

The survey should have been sent to everyone who had a stroke and was admitted to hospital in England between 16th May 2022 and 16th September 2022. Like other national surveys, we will be taking a ‘snapshot’ to compare experiences.

You can read more about PREMS in the November blog here: What is the PREMS survey? | My Stroke Guide

Find out about help to fill out the survey here.

I didn’t receive a survey in the post. How do I complete it online ?

Hi @Susan_Jane

The easiest way would be to contact your GP office or stroke nurse. They can send you a link or a paper copy of the survey.