Spinal cord infarct

Hi guys

I suffered a rare spinal cord infarct in January 2014, which left me paralysed fron the waist down for three weeks. After three weeks of every check and test going by my brilliant neuro team, I was diagnosed and treatment and neuro physio began.

Now I am fairly mobile (with aids), and enjoying Life.

I still find it tricky at times to accept such a differing way of Life. And it is only recently that I have recognised that I need some professional help and support, to talk through the trauma.

I live in Cambridgeshire and would really like to meet up with others locally. And to talk with anyone who has experienced an infarct as I have.

Hi Yvonetta. I was diagnosed with browns sequard syndromes following a stroke at the top of my spine last year. I have muscle and sensory impairment down my right side from shoulder to toes; a weird vice like sensation in my torso and sciatic type feeling down my left leg. I'm probably one of the fortunate ones as I was up and mobile soon after with the help of the sensational therapy team in Camden, London. I've recently returned to full time work which is a blessing and a worry at the same time. The emotional aspects are often harder to handle. I try and keep busy but of course there are times when it's a struggle. I just joined this site today looking for others with similar diagnoses and only found 2 including yourself under the search 'spinal' which confirms how few of us there are. I'm not near you but would be happy to chat more. Richard

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