So many things after 8 months

The frustration having my stroke the wanting to return to work quickly no help at all from my work place as my ssp had ended no money due to covid haven’t seen gp just phone calls dealing with a payroll who send wrong p60 to dwp how angry it’s got me getting not good enough answers like nobody cares wasting 14 years no sick to be treated with no compassion from work is the hard thing to take having the stroke it seems so hard for me to find a new job just feel lost

@HarDKnocK19 sorry to hear you’re feeling frustrated. If your SSP has ended, and your NI contributions are up to date, you should be able to apply for ESA. Citizens Advice should be able to advise on other things you can claim too.
It’s not great when you don’t get support from your employer. Do you have a TU rep who could help with your employer?
Please reach out on here if you want/need to. We’re all here for you.
Sending positive thoughts.
Take care.
Ann x


Hello @HarDKnocK19. I hear you. There are times when it feels like the system is weighted against us and no one is listening or cares. Sorry I am not able to offer practical advice, only a listening ear and empathy. Hope things get clearer soon, Julia

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Thanks Julia I just feel ike no one’s helping from gp to my work bless you

What’s doesn’t help me is I live in a bankrupt borough Croydon so getting help from gp and citizen advice has been hard I just look forward to the weekend because nobody calls me to let me down then

HarDKnock - I’m so sorry you in such a bad place right now. It does seem like nobody cares at times. Work can especially make you feel that way. After all, it is a business. There are people out there who care. We here at the forum care. Maybe you need a little more rest time before returning to work. Maybe you’re pushing yourself too hard. I know I wouldn’t have felt up to looking for a new job after my stroke-- even after many months. Maybe a social worker can help direct you as to the best way to handle your situation. There are answers out there. Don’t give up. The sun does come out after a storm. :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: :sun_with_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :heart:Jeanne

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Sorry to hear u news if you go to your local job centre there might have a welfare rights officer if u ring them and see what support there might be able to give. It’s a shame but you could of applied for new styles ESA three months before you SSP ended. You do have rights at work so ACAS might be able to help. You can also apply for pip and UC if you look online there are lots of advice about them. If you also look at rights at work if disabled online that will give you some idea of what the firm have to do by law if they do not you could claim unfair dismissal with kind regards des

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