My stroke

What level? Club, County, national, international?

Did stroke affect you physical movements m eg hemiplegia? Is the determinative to compete again be a strong aid to recovery?

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My stroke destroyed my left side and while I have regained all use of my left hand and arm, my leg still has a mind of its own, if I can get back to bowling I expect I will eventually gain full use of it


Keep us updated with your progress dave. This forum is brilliant with advice from people all at different stages but who understand fully what others are trying to get their heads round. Thankyou

In reply to what level (I missed that bit earlier).
Most of my games have been at club and county level with most of my success at club level
I have played at national level but had no success to speak of.
prior to my stroke and also Covid I did plan to enter more national competitions.

Do/did you play yourself?

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I’ve played very few ends
The are a few clubs around so I may instigate
My stroke was 2 days into my retirement that was accelerated because of lockdown otherwise it would officially be July this year or next - so what was a “maybe…” was put on hold

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