Gastric reflux

I had my stroke 4 months ago and still have almost constant gastric reflux which makes it difficult to digest food and wakes me up during the night. GP prescribed me peptac in addition to lansoprazole which I was already taking. I have existing hiatus hernia and Barrett’s esophagus which didn’t bother me much before the stroke.
I was just wondering if this problem is common after stroke and does it need treatment or will it clear eventually. Thank you.

Thanks Loraine. Quick question. Did you have it before stroke also?

I also had a pre-existing hiatus hernia which wasn’t much bother before the stroke. I had since had a lot more symptoms including vomiting, although it’s been more of a problem in the day than the night. My theory, and it’s only a guess but one that my GP seems happy to go along with, is that the problem is three fold. I do have the hiatus hernia. An additional scope because of the vomiting found no other problems but a CLO test revealed pre-ulcerous bacteria. Those were dealt with by a course of antibiotics, and the hiatus hernia, and side effects of my Clopidogrel and Atorvastatin, are now kept at bay with Lansoprazole. I still get a bit windy and I think that’s because I’m not swallowing 100% correctly and because I’m still a bit dizzy. I try to eat as slowly as is reasonable and to have small meals fairly regularly rather than a big blow out. I also have my evening meal quite early (about 5pm) and don’t have anything after that. These measures seem (touch wood) to be working. I hope that you find what works for you.

Thank you for your answer which is very helpful. I’m glad you’re feeling better. I will see stroke doctor his week and request a scope if possible otherwise see my GP.

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Thanks Loraine. I had a scope last year with the sedative and was fine. I advise anyone to request it.

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I was diagnosed with a hiatus hernia a few years ago , along with oesohagitis and duodentitis, which is inflammation of the gullet to my stomach and out from my stomach, I’ve changed doctors and have been referred for the camera down my throat which I had on Tuesday. I was suffering from really severe indigestion and acid reflux which is why I’ve had te camera down my throat.i have been on peptac and lanszaprozole for a few years now. Gaviston doesn’t agree with me as I’ve found out in the last 3 months as my chemist could not get peptac.
I’m waiting for the results to be sent to my doctors.


The last stroke I had was nearly 10 months ago. Prior to that I had been diagnosed with reflux oesophagitis and had been taking omeprazole which worked well. After the stroke I was prescribed clopidogrel so the omeprazole had to stop and they put me on lansoprazole. This worked for about 8 months then I got bad heartburn, so they changed me to Rabeprazole. Then added famotidine at night. I still got issues so they changed the Rabeprazole to pantoprazole and that has helped. It still isn’t as good as the lansoprazole was initially or the omeprazole was. So I’m now waiting for an endoscopy. Hopefully then they can sort it out.

Frequent heartburn and indigestion can make you feel really down.


I too had a diagnosis of hiatus hernia before the stroke. After it I had bouts of vomiting so had to have a camera scope thing. It didn’t find anything (other than the hiatus hernia) but they did an H-pilori test at the same time which came back positive. I had a short course of “tripple therapy” (two anti-biotics and increased lanzoprazole) and that seems to have sorted it.


Just by way of an update, I had an endoscopy on Tuesday and they found a hiatus hernia in my oesophagius and also multiple large fundic gland polyps in my stomach which they took biopsies of. The results of those will take a month, but they seem fairly sure they’re caused by the PPI medication. Of course I’ve googled that and it does seem that’s likely to be the case. Now I’m waiting for the results and to see if they adjust my medication. Even if the biopsies show something more serious (which is unlikely) they will have caught it very early. I’m hoping my anxiety will now start to improve which will maybe have a positive effect on the acid reflux.