Feeling good

Yesterday I went into to Curry’s to sort a problem out on my own. My wife offered to come with me and rather reluctantly let me go. I got the issue sorted, didn’t panic and took my time. The first time in 17 months that I haven’t bumbled my way through an explanation, well I thought so any way. So all in all a success, feeling good and just wanted to share with someone who might understand.

That's a great achievement, hang on to that feeling - well done you!!  ?

Norman, what a great achievement, especially the feeling of happiness that comes with it. Non survivors cannot understand the trauma of stroke or its affect on everyday life. They want you to be as you were and always say, ‘You’re doing well.’ Only survivors know the hard battle recovery involves. Than you for sharing your triumph.

An achievement to be proud of.  As Nic says try and remember the positive feelings this gave you and use them for the next occasion.  

But when look at the whole it is a great stride forward.  Going to the store,  discussing complex issues with people you've never seen before.  ???

Dear Norman

Only another SS understands. I can so relate to your solo expedition. Anxiety/emotionality/asphasia/stress.

On Wednesday I was close to tears trying to deal with a broken windscreen wiper. I never cried before stroke. The local garage were great and dealt with it in minutes, but to me it was an everest to be climbed.

So dealing with Currys was a milestone achieved. 

Well done Norman and a big thank you for sharing with us. It helps to be reminded that we are not alone.


Dear Colin like you I never cried before my stroke now I well up at small things. I don’t get the heart rending sobs I used to get, I broke down for no reason in front of the speech therapist once, so I am improving. Re your experience with the local garage great. On one hand I want to be ‘normal’ and shouldn’t have to explain why I bumble when speaking to strangers neither do I want to be labelled a SS,but it still feels embarrassing when I do waffle.

thanks for your comment,


Thanks Nic


Thanks Kay the key words are strangers and complex issues, although probably not complex to other people.

Thank you John you summarise life nicely.

Dear Norman

I have been in a quandry about telling people why I struggle/wobble etc. I conclude its probably best (for me) to just be myself and let others decide how to treat me. We really are not the old Norman/old colin. We are new people and we have to start from scratch. Not easy, but a lot easier than trying to explain the changes we encounter. I think humans can not deal with someone who has a long period of being unwell. Especially when we look decidedly OK.

My speech has improved quite well. Fast recovery at first, now slower, but it is improving. The emotionality muddies the water as does the high levels of anxiety. And then there is the fatigue. 

Keep staedily plugging away and new Normanwill arise from the ashes.


Very well done you I am so pleased for you I use my mobility scooter gives me so much confidence in shops rather than Hobbling around trying to find something xxx

Amazing! ?

it is a big deal, thank you for sharing. these independent actions take huge reserves of courage that others can't recognise, so that is a big step forward.  I frequently complain about the word "just" as in  'just pop into Curry's' or suchlike. that little word conceals a whole world of difference between how it is for stroke survivors and others.   as others have said, try to remember how it felt, store it up for the days of frustration that will inevitably come. you did it once, you can do other things. continue to amaze yourself. thanks again for sharing. perked me up that did

all the best 
