Body Aches & Stiffness

Since my ischaemic stroke 10 days ago, i have been resting as much as possible, however, im getting pretty severe aching & stiffness all over my body, particularly in my upper chest, ribs, Hips & shoulders.  Im tending to think this is due to being on the go all the time to just doing nothing. im limited to what i can do as my bp is still too high & fatigue hits me like a 10 tonne weight. Has anyone else had similar issues x

Yes, absolutely, I'm just starting to feel it now fives weeks in at its worst so far. I cook in the evenings, and standing on my legs in the kitchen for several hours brings on calf cramp. My aching particularly targets my upper spine and neck, sometimes stiffness in neck and shoulder is intensely uncomfortable. I do a fair amount of physical work each day, by that I mean not as I used to, but I still carry a lot of things, tidy up after a six year old and walk about (even if it is mostly from room to room). However, even on days when I'm not physically pushing myself, these aches, cramps and stiffness present themselves. I've heard it is pretty common after stroke. Unfortunately, the part of my brain affected is responsible for muscle tone, so it's compounded. If I have a rest, it sometimes settles. I'm wary of any cream or gels that can be applied to these areas as I don't know what can aggravate or relieve. Just before I had my major stroke, I was rubbing Deep Heat and Ibruprofen gel on my neck (just where I had my stroke), in hindsight, this was probably not the wisest thing to do. So, I am uber-wary now. 

Fatigue really gets me, and I am surprised at how hard it hits, and when it hits. The other night I was putting covers on two duvets, I had to go and have a rest between duvets! Although, I am starting to pinpoint that my fatigue comes from over stimulus, sight, sound, patterns, movement ... if I can get away from that for half an hour, I'm okay for a bit. 

Are you on statins  I was put on statin s when I had my stroke 3 yrs ago and I had pains everwhere so I went back to docs. he lowered my dose and I am fine now. Norma.

Are you on statins  I was put on statin s when I had my stroke 3 yrs ago and I had pains everwhere so I went back to docs. he lowered my dose and I am fine now. Norma.

yes i get back pain and sciatica that is very painfull get out of breath easily if im walking and stiffness in my shoulder n neck i also suffer with a few headaches now and leg cramps feel very tired near the end of my 9 hour shift 

yes i was on 80 mg of statin now my dose is lowered to 20 mg also i make up a shake using low fat yoghurt semi skimmed milk n fruit