Another Hospital Visit

Hello Everyone,

Had a hospital appointment the other day, only just made it ( I was almost 10 minutes late ). You know the parking situation at most hospitals,by the time you actually find a space, then have you got the right amount of change for the machine? and a long walk down various corridors, I wasn’t to worried about not being there on time, as I’m usually kept waiting myself for a good half an hour or so, before I go in to see the specialist. Except this time, when I arrived a stern looking woman who was wondering where I’d been, asked me to go through. Well there I was being applied with lube for the Ultrasound Scan and lots of electrical stickers having my irregular heartbeat checked out. After about twenty minutes, I was finished.  I asked if any more problems had been detected? thinking I might have to go back in for another op, maybe keyhole surgery or something ?

Only to be bluntly told, that my irregular heartbeat could not be detected! ( like I’m a fraud!). Maybe the medication I’ve been taking for it, has rectified it? I said . So now I’ll be waiting two or three weeks for the results. Anyway, no news is good news so they say.


Oh dear, Brugge, that must have been frustrating for you. Maybe when you see your Consultant or GP they might be able to shed some light on the matter. Take care, V&J

Thank you Veronica, just another little setback I’m sure. I do know I’ll get the test results eventually, because the hospital sent me the consultants notes previously.( all 4 pages!).


Hi Veronica,

Maybe I’m just being used as an experiment, I certainly didn’t volunteer to attend their program. A few weeks back, I saw the stroke consultant, so maybe it was all arranged through him? But if I don’t attend then I’ll never see him or the hospital again!
