Alcohol after stoke

In moderation it wont do you any harm whatsoever. Perhaps just the opposite.

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I have found my tolerance for alcohol severely reduced since my stroke. I can now enjoy one glass of something on occasion but a second one will result in me becoming dizzy, disorientated and very tired.

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I am just like you, Alis. I did find though that in the early months after my stroke, when I could begin to have a little wine, the wine did relax me and decrease my anxiety, which was running rampant after the stroke. Jeanne


I have no problem at all with alcohol. Im on quite a cocktail of meds and wash the last 3 of the day down with wine or beer.
I like the feeling and it helps me sleep too.
The docs are NEVER going to advocate drinking alcohol and the paperwork in with meds is probably going to warn against it. But Im content with my own decision.

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I like a beer on occasions but haven’t participated post stroke. My taste buds have been affected to a degree. I don’t think a glass is going to upset things but firstly the drink might not be to my taste any more, so I need to try it to see how I feel. I don’t think that will do any harm.
Secondly having a few glasses might not be a good idea and I think I would approach that with caution.

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One thing that I tried before drinking ‘real’ beer again was to test my reaction by starting with some low alcohol or alcohol free beers. (Note: alcohol free beers can legally be up to 1% ABV under guidance by the regulatory authorities - I checked on the internet about that). Those were OK so I am now on ‘lighter’ beers (around 4% ABV). I can now do 2 pints twice a week when (and if) I go out. After 2 years of lockdown I am just glad to get out! I go out more for the banter rather than the drink.