Affected hand feeling like ice inside

Does anyone have information or advice about dealing with a hand that feels like ice inside? Warming the hand itself doesn’t help.

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Hi Pat I assume it’s our medication and for me think it’s my circulation because once I’m up and moving it warms up but all strokes are different. I’m sure others will chip in with their experiences. Wealth of knowledge here.
Welcome and keep posting


@Pat2022 welcome to the forum. When i first had my stroke I felt cold all the time. Wrapping up didn’t work. I put it down to my blood thinners but not really sure. It has eased over time & I don’t feel the cold so much now. Hopefully that will be the same for you.


I frequently wake up in the morning with a right hand absolutely dead and it takes a while and some exercise to get it moving again. During that time it feels quite freezing! I’m not sure if this is exactly what you endure but I dont think there is anything one can do to to avoid it. The fact that it recovers in a short while is enough to not worry about it. By the way I play guitar and keyboards, both extremely badly these days!


Hi sorry about your stroke my husband had his in july 22 his left foot and up to his knee feels really cold it swells up as well

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Hi I have had constant pins and needles in my left hand since this happened 18 months ago wondered if anyone had any advice

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Yes I get the cold hands and feet too. The left more so than the right, but then the right is my dominant hand as well as my stroke hand. So I think it’s more to do with medications/circulation than the stroke, as I had this before the stroke and already on BP tablets and statins. It does warm up…eventually…quicker in summer than winter, but I know the feeling, no matter what you do it seem to get warm.
My hands get very dry too, which makes it hard for handling and manipulating anything.

My left knee even now feels cold sometimes I try to keep my leg elevated when possible and cover it with a throw to keep it warm it was a odd kind of cold it felt like your actual bone was cold but by elevating and covering it isn’t so bad and trying to exercise it even moving your toes and ankles helped me with the swelling

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