About the Coronavirus category

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How long is isolation normally? Lilian?

Dear Mahoney Thank you for the information. I live in Cheshire and so it is relevant. I am pleased to say that my test has been negative for two days. My husband is still positive and so we have to isolate for longer. We have not been I’ll or had any symptoms just.very bored! Thank you so much for caring to reply. Are you at work yet? Best wishes and thank you again. Love Lilian

Dear Mahoney Glad to hear all well at work. Make sure you have enough rest and don’t do too much. Hope your son is o k. I am still doing well and my husband is o k but still showing positive. Take care. Love Lilian

Dear Mahoney We are both o k now. It was really just like a heavy cold, not at all I’ll. Hope you are well . Lilian

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