A month yesterday

Hiya everyone it’s me again
Well it’s been a month since I had my stroke it left my paralised down my left side…in the 5 weeks since it happened I’ve made small improvements well I say small I am managing to walk a lot better but do get tired really quickly…I can almost make a fist but once I’ve made a fist I can’t relax it and end up stabbing the palm of my hand with fingernails…my shoulder is really painfull at the moment due to having frizen shiulder aswell as subluxation i have been given a support which helps a bit my emotions are all over the place…the slightest thing bothers me…im trying so hard to get some sort of normality back in my life but it’s such hard work…I wanted to say a big thank you to all you lovely people for your kind words when I threw a wobbler last week.:+1:

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Please keep at it. You have done wonderful for such an early stage of recovery. I am now six years post stroke, but still have left side weakness. My shoulder feels frozen,bevel though it isn’t. I don’t experience pain though. Interesting what you say about your left hand. Mine lacks sensitivity, but is sensitive to pain. Keep up the good work.

I’ve never lost any sensitivity in my left side its as if I have a mental block… my brain telling me my arm and finger are moving but nothing is happening…unless I yawn then my arm lifts up and my fingers straighten out lol

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We all need to throw wobblers think it releases a lot of tension. Keep at it.I’ve only just come on this site as after a year I think I should better than I am so it’s good to see how others are x

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Well done Alfie for recovering as much as you have. We all have our down times which make the good ones feel even better. Keep on trying. Never give up. Lilian

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Hi @Alfiep , Such early days still. As others say, keep working on those repetitive excercises for as long as you can as they will speed up your improvement.
It is such a frustrating process but so important. I’m over 9 months since stroke and due to increasing my work to 4 days per week now I’m failing to do the physio I should be! This is not a good state of affairs and won’t help my recovery. Make the most of these early months to get the best outcome possible.
Good luck :four_leaf_clover:& keep smiling :grinning:

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@Alfiep sounds like you’ve come a long way in a month. We’ll done. Keep going as you are & you’ll hopefully be strong again in no time.
I am a little bit further along my recovery journey (4 mths in) but still get awful fatigue to the point where I was pretty much camped on sofa for 2 days this week. Am working with OT on fatigue management so hoping it improves soon.
Look forward to hearing about your progress.

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After my stroke , when the O.T. Came to me twice a week., (gorgeous young man, I didn’t want visits to end). He explained that when you do quite a lot in one day you need to rest the next and explained it in percentages. When getting out of bed you have 100% just getting washed and dressed leaves you with 75%. Getting you breakfast and making tea is 15% and he continued explaining it that way. It is a year Thursday since my stroke and one of the things that still amazes me is the ups and downs of physical ability and the sheer fatigue and emotion. My language can be quite choice too at times. So just take the time o recoup and no two people are the same xx

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@janella69 that’s a great way of thinking about fatigue. Never thought about it like that but I can see how that works. I’m going to give it a try & see if that helps me manage my fatigue better.
Hope the anniversary of your stroke goes ok for you.
Wish I had a handsome OT :rofl::rofl:
Best wishes xx

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Hope it works for you, but it makes sense when you think about it. So by the evening when you have run your. Batteries to 0% you know it’s time to rest and recharge and yes the handsome OT made me put my make up on the mornings he came here lol

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